DistantJob Blog | Developer Assessment and Remote Hiring Guides

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Strategies for Startups to Find and Hire Developers(2024)

You’ve got the next big idea in tech. Your MVP is gaining traction. Investors are showing interest. Now comes the real challenge: hiring a developer […]

10 Tech Recruitment Tips That Matter – Backed By Our IT Experts

Hiring developers can be challenging if you don’t have any technical background. You can have general guidelines and a technical recruiting cheat sheet, but it […]

What is Remote Recruitment and How Can It Help My Company?

Remote recruitment, also known as virtual recruitment, is the process of sourcing, interviewing, evaluating, and hiring employees for remote positions, all conducted virtually through modern […]

This enables our team to deliver their best work and innovate how headhunting and HR are done on a global scale.

The Secret To Communication Between Local and Dispersed Teams

What are the hidden characteristics of a great team? It’s worth pointing out that teams work at their best when held together by a social […]

IBM Telling Remote Workers to Move or Leave Exposes Management Flaws

Remember IBM? The once-great computer giant that has consistently failed to catch on to new trends over the last three decades ( remember when they […]

Case Study: Meet Automattic, a Remote Worker Success Story

Since you’re here reading this right now, we are going to assume you use the Internet. And if someone printed this out for you to […]

Is a Virtual Reality Headset the Next Major Tool for Remote Workers?

Here at Distant Job, we’re huge geeks. Our founder Sharon often worries – a totally unwarranted worry, of course! – that when Virtual Reality headsets […]

Case Study – GitHub’s Focus on Asynchronous Chat Between Remote Workers

Communication is one of the cornerstones of teamwork, and that is doubly true for a successful business. How clearly and effortlessly you communicate, both in […]

How Remote Workers Help Companies Beat the Work Visa Executive Order

The second half of January 2017 has certainly been one of the most hectic periods in North-American history in recent memory. Among several controversial executive […]

Treehouse’s Founder Remote Management Best Practices

Treehouse is an incredible company in the educational sphere, one that focuses on helping people learn how to dominate in the art of programming. But […]

Keeping Remote Work Simple: From Gaming Buddies to Million-Selling Video Game Developers

Are you one of those “BUT” people? You know, the ones that thing “Gee, I would love to have access to the best talent all […]

Building a Strong and Positive Culture for Your Remote Team

Building a strong company culture is key, especially in remote settings where it’s easy to feel disconnected, working just for the paycheck. Creating an engaging […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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