About Us | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency

DistantJob - Remote IT Recruitment Agency

DistantJob doesn’t manage, direct, or even have access to any work your hires are doing. They work exclusively for you, acting like any team member, following your tools and processes. DistantJob only does the finding, hiring, and ensures they have the conditions to perform.

What We Do

We Read Your Mind

We do our homework and study your company before the first call. So we know what you need and what kind of business you run before you say a word.

We Create An Explosive Recruitment Outreach

We reach a massive number of candidates within days. Our top-of-funnel usually starts at 500+ professionals, then filtered to 2-5 candidates that are perfect fit to your role.

Awesome HR

We schedule regular check-ins with placed candidates & their managers to receive two-way feedback and take action to ensure optimal performance, retention and job satisfaction.


We believe that every tech company – regardless of size and budget – deserves access to focused, full-time qualified remote software developers and engineers that meets its skillset requirements, fits its culture and wants to commit to a long-term career.

Traditionally, the largest companies got a monopoly on the best people because they enticed the local talent through a combination of prestige and deep pockets. We made it our mission to change the rules of the game by empowering your business to hire developers internationally.

Forever Remote

We are the first remote placement agency in the world. Remote is our livelihood, our greatest tool, and what enables all our other values.

Diverse by Design

From day one, we built a diverse team by hiring from all around the world, and our culture revolves about everyone being their own unique brand of nerd.

Cream of the Crop

We know the best developers and software engineers can be found anywhere - from the high-rise Seattle offices of Fortune-500 companies to the chicken-laden farms out in Booneville.

Global Not Distant

Our secret sauce is we make sure that people who work remotely feel like they are sitting in the same room as us.

Awesome HR

Everyone should get the red-carpet treatment. We know that the first step to delivering a great product to our clients is to make sure our employees feel secure and like they belong to something greater than themselves.

This enables our team to deliver their best work and innovate how headhunting and HR are done on a global scale.

Sharon Koifman


Sharon Koifman is an author, speaker and entrepreneur who used his 15+ years of experience in the tech, recruitment & HR industries to pioneer the remote placement model.

After building his first company entirely remotely through the use of freelancers and contractors, he felt burned by the lack of culture and team cohesion. He then decided that there had to be a better way.

Leadership Team

Mercedes Rodriguez-Sanday

VP of Operations

Luís Falcão de Magalhães

VP of Marketing

Ihor Shcherbinin

VP of Recruitment

Dušan Boškić

VP of IT

Andreea Zorz

Director of Marketing

Juan Baird

Director of Recruitment

Lorena Ledesma

Director of Sourcing

“Working with DistantJob made everything about recruiting a highly technical employee easier and cost-effective.”

“We have 3 employees from DistantJob right now. Phenomenal. For the dollar value that we are spending, we are far ahead of what we would find locally or offshore.”

“DistantJob is great for helping you find technical folks especially when your local area doesn’t have the right pool of talent for the job.”

“The remote developers presented by DistantJob] delivered a caliber of quality, skill and technical expertise, beyond my best expectations, far exceeding our local team members.”

“I can easily say that I’ve never worked with a more dedicated, patient, and productive developer. DistantJob made the remote engagement painless. Win-win!”

“DJ is phenomenal. They find amazing candidates, make hiring extraordinary devs easy. Think of it as having a top recruiter, HR, and payroll departments in dozens of countries.”

“Hiring through DistantJob (…) surpassed my expectations. I had no opinion before, neither for [remote work] or against, but this experience definitely put it on the radar for me.”

“DistantJob took the time to talk about the job description and explore what was important to us. They came back with a great candidate on the first try!”

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

Book a Discovery Call


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    Talk with a senior recruiter.

    Fill the empty positions in your org chart in under a month.