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Category: Managing Remote Developers

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Why Remote Hiring Is The Answer To Business Imprisonment

Have you ever canceled vacations, not attended your kid’s games or recitals? Missed dates, anniversaries? Or have you decided to do away with that side […]

A Guide To How Remote Team Members Should Handle Emergencies

You may know firsthand that decisions made during emergencies are terrible. It’s not your fault. When your brain thinks you’re in duress, the first response […]

How To Craft An Air-Tight Data Security Plan For Your Remote Business

In our last article in the series, we gave you an overview of the top reasons and means of cyberattacks. And we detailed how you […]

Why a High Cultural Intelligence is Important in a Remote Team

At its very heart, cultural intelligence is empathy. It’s about understanding a different point of view. In a distributed team, that understanding becomes even more […]

What Finland’s Remote Work Culture Can Teach Your Business

Finland has always been ahead of the flexible-work-hour curve. A survey found that 92% of Finnish companies offer flexible hours. It’s poised to become even […]

9 Reasons Why Companies Are Still Avoiding Remote Work

Remote work is the future. You must have heard that by now, even if you don’t regularly read this blog. Technology is making the world […]

6 Ways to Laugh with Your Remote Team

Recently I came across a quote from motivational speaker, Sam Glenn. The quote is: [bctt tweet=””‘A sign you have a positive workplace culture is laughter. […]

A Guide To Winning Cybersecurity For Remote Companies

Not all stories are created equal. That’s why some go viral, while others barely get any likes. Cyber-attacks are like that. Perhaps you recall a […]

5 Ways Remote Employees Can Help Improve Your Company’s Customer Experience

Technology is making the world smaller. The internet has given us the capability to connect with customers, regardless of where they are in the world. […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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