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The Latest PHP Development Trends You Need to Know

If you are familiar with web development, then you certainly know PHP like the palm of your hand. PHP was created in 1994, and it […]

Infographic: Where to Find the Best Software Developers

You are about to make one of the best decisions of your life: eat pizza with pineapple topping. And hire software developers for building the […]

Twitter Has Joined the Remote Work Revolution

Months ago, when the pandemic started, companies were skeptical about remote working. How will this affect productivity? How are teams going to connect? How to […]

How Brexit Will Affect Remote Work

Ah, Brexit. The word that divided the United Kingdom and is still causing chaos and uncertainty as we head towards the last and final deadline […]

Why Remote Work is the Answer to the Stress Epidemic

Stress and it’s consequences are taking a toll on businesses world-wide. Here’s how remote work can help prevent them.

Telepresence Robots Are Making Waves in Remote Work

Are telepresence robots just a fad, or an actual benefit for companies with hybrid teams? We find out.

Reversing the Remote Work Ban

It’s time to take apart the idea that people have to be in the same room to collaborate effectively. Here’s how a group of employees went about Reversing the Remote Work Ban.

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Recruitment Forever

As AI develops further every year, what does this mean for hiring, recruitment, and HR? Will it impact remote recruitment? Here, we go over the latest developments in AI Hiring and HR.

Research vs Experience: How do studies on remote working compare to reality?

At DistantJob we’ve gained our expertise in remote working the hard way. We don’t just specialize in finding the best global talent for your software […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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