Recruiters vs. Sourcers: Key Distinctions in Talent Acquisition
Hiring & recruiting developers

Recruiters vs. Sourcers: Key Distinctions in Talent Acquisition

Ihor Shcherbinin
VP of Recruiting at DistantJob - - - 3 min. to read

When it comes to talent acquisition, sourcing, and recruiting are like two sides of a coin – different but interconnected. While we often think of recruitment as a start-to-finish journey, it’s evolved far beyond that. The modern job market is a fierce battleground with companies vying for the cream of the crop. And here’s the thing: old-school hiring strategies just aren’t cutting it anymore. To truly tap into the reservoir of global talent, you need specialists who can scout, engage, and attract these hidden gems. Enter the sourcer and the recruiter. How are they different?

The sourcer, with their keen eye and tools, can dive into the deep end of the talent pool, fishing out potential candidates who might not even be actively looking. On the other hand, a recruiter brings a holistic approach, managing the candidate experience, and ensuring a seamless transition.

Let’s explore the differences between a technical recruiter and a technical sourcer, understanding their main roles and responsibilities and how they benefit the IT recruitment process

What is a Talent Technical Recruiter? 

A technical recruiter is a specialist in managing the entire recruitment process for technical roles within a company.

They work hand in hand with hiring managers and teams to understand the job requirements, and they source and identify candidates with the right qualifications, conduct interviews, assess skills and qualifications, negotiate job offers, and facilitate the onboarding process

Overall the main purpose of technical recruiters is to match candidates with the right technical expertise and cultural fit for the company, ensuring a smooth and successful hiring dev experience.

Their main responsibilities are: 

  • Job Requirement Analysis: Collaborate with hiring managers and teams to understand the technical skills, qualifications, and attributes required for open positions.
  • Sourcing Candidates: Use various channels, including job boards, social media, professional networks, and databases, to identify potential candidates.
  • Candidate Screening: Review resumes, applications, and portfolios to assess candidates’ qualifications, skills, and experience.
  • Interview Coordination: Schedule and conduct interviews, technical assessments, and coding tests to evaluate candidates’ technical abilities.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Assess candidates’ technical skills, cultural fit, and potential for the role through thorough interview processes.
  • Negotiation: Handle salary discussions, benefits, and job offers, aiming to align candidate expectations with the company’s offers.
  • Onboarding Support: Collaborate with the onboarding team to ensure a smooth transition for new hires into the company.
  • Data Management: Maintain accurate and organized candidate records and data using applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other tools.

The Role of a Talent Sourcer in Modern Recruitment

A technical sourcer, often referred to as a “sourcing specialist” or “talent sourcer,” is a professional who specializes in identifying and attracting potential IT candidates for job openings within a company. 

They focus on proactively searching and engaging with individuals who possess the desired skills and qualifications, even if those individuals are not actively looking for new job opportunities. 

Technical sources play a crucial role in building a pipeline of potential candidates for future hiring needs.

Their main responsibilities are:

  • Candidate Research: Conduct thorough research using various online platforms, databases, social networks, and other resources to identify potential candidates with the desired technical skills and experience.
  • Search Techniques: Utilize advanced search techniques, Boolean logic, and keyword optimization to narrow down and target relevant candidates effectively.
  • Outreach and Engagement: Reach out to identified candidates through personalized messages, emails, or social media to introduce job opportunities and assess their interests.
  • Networking: Build and maintain relationships with potential candidates, even those who might not be actively seeking new jobs, to create a talent pipeline for future positions.
  • Passive Candidate Conversion: Convert passive candidates into active applicants by effectively communicating the company’s value proposition and job opportunities.

What is the Difference Between A Sourcer and vs Recruiter? 

The main difference between a sourcer vs a recruiter is that the first focuses on finding and attracting potential candidates, while technical recruiters manage the entire recruitment process (including sourcing). 

We can explore more in-depth the differences between these two roles focusing on three aspects: Primary focus, activities, and interaction with candidates.

Primary Focus

  • Technical Sourcers: The primary focus of a Technical Sourcer is to identify and attract potential candidates, particularly passive candidates, using various search techniques and channels. Their goal is to create a pool of potential talent for future hiring needs.
  • Technical Recruiters: The primary focus of a Technical Recruiter is to manage the entire recruitment process, from initial candidate evaluation to onboarding. They work closely with hiring teams to assess candidate qualifications, conduct interviews, negotiate offers, and ensure a successful transition into the company.

Key Activities

  • Technical Sourcers: Sourcers are responsible for researching and identifying potential candidates through online platforms, social networks, and databases. They initiate outreach to engage with candidates and introduce them to job opportunities.
  • Technical Recruiters: Recruiters are involved in various stages of the recruitment process, including screening resumes, conducting interviews, evaluating skills, coordinating interviews with hiring teams, negotiating job offers, and managing the onboarding process.

Interaction with Candidates

  • Technical Sourcers: Sourcers are often the first point of contact for candidates. They initiate conversations to gauge interest, answer initial questions, and provide information about the company and job openings.
  • Technical Recruiters: Recruiters interact with candidates throughout the entire recruitment journey. They build relationships, conduct in-depth interviews, assess cultural fit and technical skills, and provide ongoing communication and support.

Strategize Your Needs: When to Opt for a Recruiter vs. a Sourcer

Deciding between a technical sourcer vs a technical recruiter can be tricky when you are still defining and building your recruitment pipeline. But here are some guidelines to help you decide which role suits your hiring needs best.

When to use a Technical Sourcer:

  • If you’re experiencing difficulty finding qualified candidates for your technical roles.
  • If you want to build a pipeline of potential candidates for future hiring needs.
  • If you want to expand your reach beyond active job seekers to tap into passive talent.
  • If you have a strong team of recruiters who can handle the later stages of the hiring process.

When to use a Technical Recruiter:

  • If you have a high volume of technical positions to fill and need someone to manage the entire recruiting process.
  • If you want a dedicated professional to handle candidate evaluation, interview coordination, and offer negotiation.
  • If you want to ensure a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring journey.
  • If your team needs assistance with managing multiple roles and interacting with candidates on a regular basis.

Benefits of Working with Both Sourcers and Recruiters in Tandem

Why choose when you can have both? The combined efforts of sourcers and recruiters offer a more efficient, effective, and holistic solution to the challenges many businesses such as yours face in talent acquisition.

7 benefits of using both sourcers and recruiters in tandem:

  1. Overcoming Limited Reach: Why struggle to access talent beyond your immediate networks or popular job boards? With sourcers, you can delve deeper into niche communities and platforms, greatly expanding the talent pool.
  2. Reduce Time Spent on Unqualified Candidates: Clients often spend excessive time sifting through unqualified applications. Recruiters can pre-screen these, ensuring only suitable candidates reach the interview stage.
  3. Navigate a Competitive Market: With the best talents often snatched up quickly, having both a sourcer and recruiter means you can identify and engage top talent swiftly, staying ahead of competitors.
  4. Ensure Cultural Compatibility: A common pain point is hiring someone with the right skills but a mismatched work ethos. Recruiters focus on evaluating a candidate’s alignment with a company’s culture, reducing the risk of future discord.
  5. Address Inconsistent Communication: Candidates often cite poor communication as a pain point in their job search. With dedicated roles for outreach (sourcer) and engagement (recruiter), candidates receive consistent updates and feedback, improving their experience and the company’s reputation.
  6. Mitigate High Turnover: Quick hires that don’t last long are costly. The combined expertise of sorucers and recruiters ensures a more holistic evaluation, leading to hires that are both skilled and committed.
  7. Tackle Unfilled Roles: Extended vacancies can be detrimental to productivity. The tandem approach accelerates the hiring process, ensuring roles don’t remain unfilled for prolonged periods.

By partnering with DistantJob, you gain access to top-tier resources and recruiters with years of experience matching clients with global developers

We take care of everything from the start, from sourcing to evaluating developers to onboarding and the HR hassle. Hiring remotely involves knowing more about global payments, taxes, etc., but we can handle all this for you while you watch your team expand and your business grow.

Want to know more? 

Ihor Shcherbinin

Ihor is the Vice President of Recruiting at DistantJob, a remote IT staffing agency. With over 11 years of experience in the tech recruitment industry, he has established himself as a leading expert in sourcing, vetting and placing top-tier remote developers for North American companies.

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