VP Recruitment

Ihor Shcherbinin

VP of Recruiting at DistantJob


Ihor, is the VP of Recruiting at DistantJob. He specializes in sourcing and placing top remote developers for North American companies. His expertise covers the entire recruiting cycle, from pinpointing job needs to finalizing hires. Known for his skill in remote staffing solutions and offshore team integration, Ihor excels in matching the best tech talents with U.S. organizations. His approach to virtual developer hiring is marked by insightful candidate selection and strategic offer negotiation, ensuring the right fit for every role.

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All posts by Ihor Shcherbinin

7 Platforms To Hire Remote Developers Fast & Secure

When seeking out talented remote developers, there are many options available that can help set you up for success in getting the right candidate, at […]

 A Beginner’s Guide to Software Repositories

Software repositories or repos enable developers to easily store and access resources and collaborate with other developers regardless of location. As a result, software development […]

Technical Screening: How to Get It Right from The Start?

Are you finding the prospect of technical screening daunting and aren’t sure where to start? With IT roles taking an average of 44 days to […]

12 Principles of Software Development

Today, there are many software programs that help individuals and businesses with daily tasks. That also means users won’t hesitate to look for alternatives if […]

How to Create a job description for IT Roles (+ Free Template)

The importance of a well-crafted IT job description cannot be overlooked. In fact, statistics show that job seekers spend about 49.7 seconds on a job […]

2024 Guide to Android Developer Hiring Costs

Understanding the cost of Android app development can be complex, as it varies widely based on numerous factors. However, hiring an Android App developer on freelance […]

How to Hire a Clojure Developer – A Comprehensive Guide 

With a 12% increase in Clojure development in the past year, there has also been a rise in the demand for Clojure experts. This increase is a […]

How to Hire an IT Specialist: A Strategic Guide for HR Recruiters

As a recruiter tasked with the responsibility of hiring an IT specialist, you’re at the forefront of enhancing your company’s technical backbone. In your quest […]

Simplified Guide To Hire a .NET Developer in 2024

Hiring skilled .Net developers becomes more challenging each year. A significant factor is that many top-tier developers are already employed and not actively seeking new […]

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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