Hire ReactJS Developers | Tailored Remote Recruitment Services

Accelerate your Software Project by Hiring Expert Remote ReactJS Developers

Hire offshore React Developers easily and with no legal hassle! DistantJob can make it easy for you to find the right hire for your company culture, competitively priced and in a timely manner. Our team takes care of the entire hiring process, including payroll, so you can focus on the development of your projects. 

    Trusted by Worldwide Companies

    Why Trust DistantJob to Find you the Best React Developers Worldwide?

    1. We focus on helping companies hire remote developers: DistantJob handles your hiring challenges by matching your company with vetted senior-level React.js developers
    2. We are pocket-friendly; we tap into local markets with lower salary inflation without affecting quality. Your new engineer will get paid above their local average while you save money.
    3. You’ll be getting fully committed remote employees with verified skills, working in your time zone

    How Does Our Process Work

    As a leading remote IT recruitment agency, we care that our clients take part throughout the hiring process. Why? Because for us, hiring a qualified candidate is not only about the skills and abilities, but it’s also about how candidates match with your company’s culture.

    1.Culture-first Recruiting:

    As soon as you talk with us or fill our form, the first thing we do is analyze your company. We set up a call with you to understand your culture and the type of people you value working with.

    2.The headhunting process begins:

    We reach out to hundreds of candidates that we think might be a possible match for you. In 2 weeks, you’ll start reviewing people that match your requirements. We focus on providing you 3-5 top candidates instead of giving you an endless list.

    3.Contracts, payments, documentation, security - we take care of everything: Once

    Once you select the candidate, we handle all the contracts and payments from day 1. We also take the legal steps required to protect your IP.

    What Could be Simpler

    ​​Committed Developers Only

    No freelancers, no consultants, no outsourcing. Only full-time.

    Hire career-driven developers ready to be part of your company.

    Get People Who Love Working For You

    Remote hiring allows you to evaluate React.Js candidates based on their portfolio instead of budget or physical location. Especially for this type of role, it’s crucial to consider past projects and areas of expertise.

    On clock Delivery

    On-clock deliveries are important for any project and team. However, punctual deadlines are a mandatory requirement for this role. Working in between software development and customer services, getting an in-house React.js developer is the best option to ensure on-clock delivery and reliable customer service over time.

    Candidates of Proven Quality

    Hiring experienced professionals means having the best upgrades for your business and staying competitive in the market.

    Budget Conscious Hiring

    By hiring in countries with a lower cost of living, your budget will stretch farther, while your developers will be earning exactly how much they want.

    Hiring a React.js developer with a full-time remote contract highly reduces hiring expenses. Targeting countries with different salary structures, you can hire certified and proficient candidates ensuring the continuity of the project.

    Turnkey Global Payments & HR

    Rest easy knowing your hires are well cared for. Our HR service handles global contract payments for you and provides social-emotional support to keep them performing at their best.

    React.Js Hiring Guide

    Where Can I Hire A ReactJS Developer?

    Recruiting the best ReactJS developers can be a challenge. They can be found in many places nowadays, but few of those places can guarantee the quality of the developers you’re hiring, making you lose time and money. And although there are multiple job boards and job markets available to find your perfect match, keep in mind that a talented and skilled ReactJS expert is probably not actively looking for jobs. Even if they are, odds are you’re competing with thousands of other companies.

    How do I find React developers?” Here are some of the best places where you can hire ReactJS developers:

    1. DistantJob: DistantJob is a top remote recruitment agency, and can offer your company pre-vetted and rigorously assessed candidates ready to work for you. We can quickly select the top 5 remote experts who will fulfill your requirements and expectations, all while keeping in mind their company fit. If you want long-lasting developers that will enjoy working for you, then DistantJob is your best bet.
    2. Upwork: A freelance talent community where you can find people from a wide array of categories, including ReactJS developers.
    3. Toptal: A freelance talent community more geared to tech and project management.
    4. DevTeam.Space: Powered by an AI Agile process, DevTeam.Space is a community that features experts in ReactJS and many other top technologies.
    5. Hired: Hired allows companies to search their extensive list of developers, suggesting candidates based on their matching technology.

    What Is The Easiest Way To Find A React Developer?

    Remote recruitment has become one of the leading options to find the best developers, and offers great advantages such as greater availability and competitive salaries.When you don’t have the resources or know-how to hire remote top talent reliably, you should rely on partners that focus on IT staffing such as DistantJob. This is especially true in the tech field, where recruiters should be on top of technologies and hiring best practices.

    Employing IT staffing can bring many benefits to your company:

    • Saves you time and money: By employing an IT staffing partner, you get a highly experienced team from the get go that can bring you the best results straight away. You can hire faster and thus incur in less operational costs, as well as hiring quality employees at affordable and competitive salaries.
    • You get quality candidates, fit for you: IT staffing teams have access to large talent pools of developers and can quickly find people that match your needs while also mirroring your company culture. You’ll get qualified developers that will want to work and grow in your company, reducing the risk of losing them shortly after hiring.
    • Hire at your own pace: Hiring new employees is a highly seasonal affair. The largest companies can afford to have a fully staffed, highly dedicated, and experienced recruitment team on demand, but smaller businesses and startups do not have that luxury. By employing external IT staffing partners, you can dynamically expand your hiring efforts as needed, and still get quality candidates as you grow without blowing a hole in your company’s budget.

    ReactJS Developer Overview: Skills And Responsibilities

    The core duties of this role related to the creation and maintenance of user interface components, using methods like Redux, Flux, and Webpack. In addition, a React programmer takes care of reports and documentation about the performance and development process.

    1. Primary responsibilities

    • Brainstorming with other departments to improve the user interface and experience.
    • Developing a user-friendly front-end architecture.
    • Reporting and reviewing application requirements and interface performance.
    • Developing responsive and interactive user interface components.
    • Troubleshooting the interface design and debugging code scripts.
    • Monitoring interface and software performance analyzing the user’s response.
    • Writing internal documentation to report progress to clients and stakeholders.

    2. Familiarity with JSX

    Designed for user interfaces, ReactJS is a front-end development library. Strong command of HTML and CSS to create engaging and user-friendly interfaces are necessary skills.

    3. Proficiency in JavaScript and ES6

    Without mastering JavaScript, developers cannot exploit the full potential of this library. In addition, you need to look for someone expert in these ES6 functionalities:

    • Variables and scoping
    • Array methods
    • Functions and arrow functions
    • DOM Manipulation and event handlers
    • The “this” keyword
    • Higher-order functions and callback functions
    • Prototypal inheritance and object creation
    • The ‘class’ keyword

    4. Understanding of Redux and Hooks for State Management

    React Redux and React Hooks are fundamental skills to look for in a front-end developer. Redux is a state management library supporting asynchronous updates and scalability. Further, hooks allow developers to access state, lifecycle React functions, and other in-class components – hooks are available from React version 16.8.4. Knowledge of Node.js and NPM for Third-party Integrations.

    There are numerous React extensions, and your React developer must understand the npm registry, a cloud storage service for dependencies. For this reason, your developer should have a deep understanding of Node and other third-party integrations.

    5. Command of Standard Project Management Methodologies

    React is easy to test, but your developer needs to be familiar with TDD, BDD, and Unit Tests. In addition, testing tools like Jest or Enzyme, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, or Selenium should be in their toolkit.

    6. Ability with MVC Design Pattern

    As a front-end technology, a React developer should know how to use design patterns. Specifically, MVC patterns divide input, processing, and output of the same application. The model prepares any information and brings the final output.

    7. Capable of Writing Clean Code

    Whatever development technology you are using, a developer must write clean and reusable code. You need clean code not only to scale and debug, but also to improve collaborative tasks between different developers.

    How Much Does It Cost To Hire A ReactJS Developer?

    The average US salary for a certified React Developer is around $110.000/year depending on the specialization. In addition, pay rates vary according to the developer’s location, year of experience and set of skills. Without impacting the last two factors, you can save budget hiring remotely outside the US. 

    Here are some values for Java developer salaries we’ve researched using values sourced from Talent.com and Glassdoor:

    Country Salary per year Salary per month Salary per hour
    USA $109,789.00 $9,149.00 $57.00
    Mexico $19,653.00 $1,638.00 $10.00
    Argentina $7,827.00 $652.00 $4.00
    Brazil $12,215.00 $1,018.00 $6.00
    Poland $26,752.00 $2,229.00 $14.00


    Hire a ReactJS Developer

    Ready to hire the best developers, 40% faster than the industry average? Give us your email, and our account manager will get in touch ASAP!

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      When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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