Struggling to find Perl local developers in-house? We connect U.S. businesses with remote, senior-level Perl developers experienced in legacy modernization, data parsing, and backend infrastructure. You hire dedicated developers, no freelancers or outsourcing fluff.
You’re not hiring someone learning Perl on your dime. We headhunt senior developers who have shipped and maintained large-scale Perl systems in finance, eCommerce, publishing, and infrastructure.
All our devs overlap with North American time zones—ready for daily standups, code reviews, and Slack replies during your hours.
Unlike marketplaces, we find Perl developers are fully integrated into your team and processes. You get commitment, not just hours.
We deliver your shortlist in 5–7 days. Start with one, scale to a team. Pause or ramp up as needed.
As a leading remote IT recruitment agency, we care that our clients participate throughout the hiring process. Why? Because for us, hiring a qualified candidate is not only about the skills and abilities, but it’s also about how candidates match with your company’s culture.
As soon as you talk with us or fill our form, the first thing we do is analyze your company. We set up a call with you to understand your culture and the type of people you value working with.
We reach out to hundreds of candidates that we think might be a possible match for you. In 2 weeks, you’ll start reviewing people that match your requirements. We focus on providing you 3-5 top candidates instead of giving you an endless list.
Once you select the candidate, we handle all the contracts and payments from day 1. We also take the legal steps required to protect your IP.
You’ll see 3-5 CVs of outstanding people within two weeks of our discovery call. 80% of our clients hire from that first batch.
The candidates you’ll interview will have been chosen to match your company’s culture and values. They’ll feel right at home, reducing your turnover.
The best people already have a job. We find senior developers only, working in established companies–and bring them to your team.
No freelancers, no consultants, no outsourcing. Only full-time. Hire career-driven developers ready to be part of your company.
Rest easy knowing your hires are well cared for. Our HR service handles global contract payments for you and provides social-emotional support to keep them performing at their best.
By hiring in countries with a lower cost of living, your budget will stretch farther, while your developers will be earning exactly how much they want.
Explore the advantages of Perl development effortlessly. Streamline your search and hiring process by creating an efficient recruitment strategy. Here’s a valuable guide to help you quickly identify and onboard exceptional Perl developers.
Perl is currently one of the most demanding scripting languages because it adapts to different systems. It can be used for GUI development, handling databases, network programming, etc. Because of this, the demand for Perl developers has also increased.
Frequently, companies think that the best place to hire remote Perl developers is through freelancing platforms. And while you can easily hire a freelancer developer, many downsides come with this strategy.
Quality can be compromised because a freelancer won’t have the same level of commitment as a regular full-time developer. They likely are involved in more projects or looking for other gigs.
Because of this, at DistantJob, we exclusively focus on full-time remote developers. We want companies, regardless of their size, to have committed developers with exceptional technical skills.
Besides helping you significantly save costs, we take the case of the entire recruitment and hiring process. This means that even after we find the candidate you were looking for, we take care of all HR aspects from onboarding to payroll.
With DistantJob, you can rest assured that you have ta skilled Perl developer working for you. We focus on testing their expertise and we also evaluate how good a culture match they make for your company.
Perl is an open-source, general use family of script programming languages. It was initially developed for text manipulation; however, it is used for various tasks nowadays. Perl programming is mainly used for web and GUI development, network programming, and system administration.
Although Perl development is considered to have an easy learning curve, the language is used to develop advanced programs.
Perl’s main features include:
These are some general skills to look for in a Perl Developer:
Most Perl developers have a background education in fields such as: Computer Engineering, Business Management, Information Systems, or Computer Science.
Regarding the responsibilities, often Perl developers usually focus on:
According to HackerRank´s Developer Skills Report, developers who know Perl make 54% more than the average annual developer salary.
The salary of a Perl programmer changes depending on their location and level of expertise. For instance, in the United States, the average salary of a Perl programmer is $118,335 per year (ZipRecruiter).
Outside the US, the salaries of Perl developers are significantly lower. In Latin American countries like Brazil, Colombia, or Argentina, a Perl programmer earns approximately $87,000 per year. In Eastern Europe, the number is similar, with programmers earning between $82,000 and $95,000 per year.
Empower your development efforts with senior-level Perl developers. Experience the efficiency of our global talent pool as we swiftly match you with outstanding candidates who easily integrate into your project and timeline. Schedule a call with us now to find out more about our processes!
Ready to hire the best developers, 40% faster than the industry average? Give us your email, and our account manager will get in touch ASAP!
When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.
Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.