Hire a Web Developer Guide
Hiring & recruiting developers

How to Hire a Web Developer Online

Gabriela Molina
Journalist, Director of Content at DistantJob - - - 3 min. to read

Hiring a web developer nowadays is the key for business success. Not only because COVID-19 has made it impossible for many companies to work at their physical offices, but also because the digital revolution started years ago, and keeps intensifying as time passes by.

Americans spend about 23.6 hours online every week and use their mobile devices for up to 5 hours per day.  By now, consumers expect companies to have a website or any type of online communication. Think about it this way; there is too much information on the internet. People before purchasing any kind of product or service now prefer to look it up and see if it’s worth it. If businesses or possible clients cannot find your brand online, they will likely go to the service that does have an online presence.  

One of the most common marketing strategies of these last years for many companies is using Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or any other social network. This is because it connects clients with the brand; they trust more of who they are purchasing the product or service from. 

However, most popular content management systems sell the idea that creating websites is just as easy as opening a bag of chips. But let’s face it, some bags are really hard to open. Most of us have had the terrible experience of ripping a bag, throwing the chips all over the place. Well, the same happens with websites. They seem easy to build but end up being tricky, and this is why you need a web developer. And not any developer, a highly skilled developer with a good ratio salary.

Web Developer Categories

There are three main categories of web developers: Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, and Full-stack developers.

Before diving more in-depth, you need to take into account why you are hiring a web developer. Maybe you already have a website, and it’s worse than the finale of Game of Thrones. Or you have no clue of how to start creating a website and need a hand with that. If you know what your project is, it’s easier to see what type of web developer you need to hire.

Front-end Developers

They can create websites to be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Some people think that front-end developers are the same as web designers because they also take part in installing fonts, images, and colors displayed on websites. 

However, even though both can create the overall aesthetic look of the website, there is a big difference. Designers are more focused on the creative part, while developers are also focusing on the functional elements.

So, a designer might have created the logo from scratch, but the front-end dev is the one who translates these creative projects into web speaking to be displayed on a website.

They are highly skilled in the design of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

Front-end developers use these programming languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • React
  • AngularJS

They are also familiar with frameworks such as:

  • Bootstrap
  • Foundation
  • Backbone
  • AngularJS
  • Ember. Js

Back-end Developers

Back-end developers have a crucial role in web development. They take charge of making the website run efficiently by building and maintaining the server-side code to ensure data goes back and forth; from the front-end (what the user interacts with) to the back-end (the server and database). 

For example, when you buy something over Amazon, the whole process from the checkout to the transaction is possible because of the back-end developer.

Typical programming languages a back-end developer writes in include:

  • Java
  • PHP
  • Ruby and Ruby On Rails
  • C#
  • C++
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Scala
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB

Full-Stack Developers

They can develop and program both the front-end and back-end parts of a website, yet they tend to be more skilled in one than in the other. 

So, if you want to create a website, full-stack developers are the best option because they can create an entire dynamic and functional website.

Regarding programming languages, they know them all because they require to know both front-end and back-end programming languages.

Yet, not because they know of back and front development means they manage both of them ideally. They spent most of their time either on the front or back-end code of a site. Although, some talented developers are able to make it by themselves. The challenge is to find them.

Interviewing Web Developers: Separate the Good From the Great

Hiring Web Developers is easy; there are millions of them all over the world. What’s not easy is finding developers with outstanding skills. As a remote recruitment agency with over a decade of experience, we know how to differentiate a good developer from a great one. Here are five interview questions to help you find the talent you are looking for. 

1. What is an ID selector?

The ID selector uses the ID attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. Since an element’s ID is unique for every page, the ID selector is used to select one unique element.

Here is an example which selects a paragraph element using its ID

#sample {padding: 10px;}

<p id="selector">...</p>

2. What are the new form elements of HTML5?

  • <datalist> – specifies a list for input controls.
  • <keygen> – generates an encryption key.
  • <output> – Is the result of a calculation 

3. What is CORS?

CORS stands for Cross-origin Resource Sharing. It is a mechanism that enables the possibility for different resources (For example JavaScript) to be requested from another domain outside the domain in which the request originated. 

4. How do you enable Pagination using CSS3? Provide an example

Pagination with CSS3 is possible by using a <ul-li> structure. 

<div class="main_container">

<div class="pagination">


<li><a href="#"></a></li>

<li><a href="#"></a></li>

<li class="active"><a href="#"></a></li>

<li><a href="#"></a></li>



5. What are the advantages that HTTP/2 has compared to HTTP 1.1?

HTTP/2 improves page load speed by supporting:

  • Data compression of HTTP headers
  • Push notification
  • Parallel loading of page elements over a single TCP connection
  • Prioritization of request. 

Benefits of Hiring a Web Developer

Time is Money

Building websites takes a lot of time, especially if you don’t have a tech background. Learning how to code is difficult enough, and even if you don’t need to, you will have to take charge of other aspects of your website, such as the aesthetics and the creative part.

Instead of wasting your energy with all these tasks, hire a web developer. They have the knowledge and plenty of experience in all there is to know about creating and improving websites. They could take care of whether it is creating the whole site for your company or just handling specific tasks while you focus only on your business concerns. 

User-Friendly Experience

Certain aspects of a website that are fundamental for its success are how fast the pages load, whether it’s easy to use, and whether the images are of good quality. First impressions count, and not only in the dating world. 

Imagine searching through the web, trying to find a website that sells online clothes. You see a brand, and when you go into their website, you get almost blind because of all the bright colors they have. The whole rainbow palette on a single page; you cannot find the sweater section because the letter size is not suitable for humans to read. There is 99.9% that you won’t ever return to that website. A web developer can transform this disaster into an elegant, fast, and flawless website that attracts all the visitors.

SEO Matters

If you have a website or tend to create one, SEO is one of the more important aspects to be aware of. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which in human words means, the ranking of the websites people get once they look for something on google. For example, if you search for the meaning of whippersnapper, you will likely visit the first sites that appear on Google. How do they appear there? Because of SEO. If you have a well-optimized website, people are more likely to find your brand when searching for the product or service you offer.

Professional web developers take this into account when creating/improving a website. They know that through following best SEO practices, your business can become more successful and generate more leads.

Web Developers Know the Latest Technologies

Every year, month, day technologies keep advancing. Websites aren’t the same as they were years ago; they all have new features making them easier to use and more attractive. And good developers are aware of this and are always working to keep pace with current technology to create modern websites that improve with the available technology.

Rock Solid Support

One of the main advantages of hiring web developers that can integrate into your company’s culture is prioritizing your needs. If you are having trouble with a feature, plug-in, site speed or anything, developers will look into that specific problem until it is completely solved. So, it’s not just about building the website but also making sure everything runs properly, and that you are satisfied. 

Hire a Remote Web Developer 

One of the main reasons companies struggle to find tech talent is because they don’t look remotely.  Talented techies are not only at Silicon Valley;  they’re everywhere. 

Here are 5 reasons – besides finding unbearable talent – why you should consider remote web developers

Benefits of hiring a remote web developer

1. Boost Collaboration

Several studies over the past years proved that successful remote management leads to more trustful and collaborative relationships among team members. Good remote employees have excellent communication skills – even better than onsite teams – that lead them to know how to collaborate with each other.

Due to COVID-19, Microsoft is one of the many companies that had to transition to working remotely. Throughout surveys and communications tools, they were able to measure how communication and overall collaboration changed since they began working as distributed teams. Data revealed that teams found new ways to work as a team, and in most cases, team members felt closer to one another than before.

2. Reduce Employee Turnover

According to the 2019 State of Remote Work report by Owl Labs, 74% of survey respondents agree that the ability to work remotely would make them less likely to leave their employer. There are many reasons behind these, but in general terms, employees that work from home are less stressed, they are more productive because they work with fewer distractions and can maintain a work/life balance.

3. Employees Take Less Sick Days

When Onsite employees get sick, they don’t consider going to the office because that requires them to make a lot of effort, like getting ready, driving or taking public transport, and being around coworkers. That’s why they prefer to call in sick and rest. But, remote employees can work less but still work even when they are sick because they don’t need to drive or leave their houses. According to Indeed’s Remote Work Survey, 50% of remote employees said working from home reduced their sick days, and 56% reduced their absences.

4. Attract Talent

How to convince a talented web developer that already has a job to work for you? Just tell them you offer the possibility of working from home. 80% of US employees say they would turn down a position that didn’t offer flexible working options. And about 51% would switch to a job that allows them to have flexible working arrangements.

5. Burnout-free Employees

The main reason why remote employees suffer less from burnout is the possibility of having a better work/life balance. They don’t waste time in traffic every day or get distracted easily at work. They are more productive in their environment, and when they are feeling they need a break, they can go to watch Netflix or play with their pets or even have a virtual water cooler call with a coworker. 

Hire the Best Web Developer Online Now!

Developers are everywhere, but talent is not. We have over 10 years of experience headhunting the best developers worldwide. We know how to find developers with killer tech skills who will fit perfectly into your company’s culture and processes.

Skip the boring and long process of recruiting and leave it in our hands. Contact us today to hire a developer online, in less than 2 weeks.

DistantJob can find your dream tech talent in just two weeks. Let the hard work on our hands and will start headhunting the developer you need! 

Gabriela Molina

Gabriela Molina, the Executive Editor at DistantJob and Director of Content at ThinkRemote, combines her experience as a former freelance journalist with deep insights into remote work, technology, and recruitment best practices. Her diverse journalistic background covers a wide array of topics, positioning her as a knowledgeable voice in the tech and remote work sectors. Featured on platforms like Datasciencentral and Simpleprogrammer, Gabriela's expertise extends to shaping narratives around remote workforce strategies, making her contributions to DistantJob invaluable for those navigating the remote tech hiring landscape

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