Hire Expert AngularJS Developers: Recruitment Guide & Tips
Tech Candidates Assessment

How to Find and Hire Expert AngularJS Developers in the US?

Ihor Shcherbinin
VP of Recruiting at DistantJob - - - 3 min. to read

Finding skilled AngularJS developers in today’s US market has become increasingly challenging. As companies migrate to newer versions of Angular (2+), experienced AngularJS developers are becoming a rare breed. Many have already transitioned to modern frameworks, leaving a critical skills gap for companies still maintaining AngularJS applications. To hire qualified AngularJS developers, look beyond traditional hiring channels like LinkedIn and local job boards and be prepared for:

  • Longer hiring times (typically 2-3 months for a good fit)
  • Salary negotiations above market average

A simpler solution? Consider remote developers or partner with specialized tech recruiters who have access to pre-vetted AngularJS talent pools. This approach not only cuts hiring time in half but often leads to better matches at competitive rates. Once you understand the key skills and responsibilities needed, we’ll guide you through the essential steps and interview questions to identify top talent.

Ready to find your ideal AngularJS developer? Let’s start with the most crucial aspects you should look for.

Skills to Look for in an AngularJS Developer

When hiring an AngularJS developer, there are several essential skills and qualifications to look for:

  • Strong understanding of JavaScript fundamentals: An AngularJS developer should have a solid foundation in JavaScript, as it forms the backbone of the framework.
  • Proficiency in AngularJS framework: Your developer should have a deep knowledge of AngularJS architecture, directives, services, filters, and other key components to effectively build robust applications.
  • Experience with HTML and CSS: These front-end technologies are integral to AngularJS development, so your developer should be proficient in writing clean and semantically structured HTML and CSS code.
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs: AngularJS often interacts with external APIs, so your developer should have experience in working with RESTful services and understanding how to integrate them into your application.
  • Familiarity with MVC architecture: AngularJS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. It’s important that your developer understands this architecture and can effectively structure code accordingly.
  • Testing and debugging skills: Your developer should be adept at writing unit tests using frameworks like Karma and Protractor to ensure high-quality code and the ability to troubleshoot and resolve any issues.
  • Familiarity with version control: Proficiency with version control systems like Git
  • Consider developers experienced in both AngularJS and modern Angular. Look for candidates with migration expertise

AngularJS Developer Roles and Responsibilities

  • Design and developer user interfaces using AngularJS best practices.
  • Write proficiently in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
  • Develop product analysis tasks.
  • Cooperate with the back-end developer when building the RESTful API.
  • Ensure high performance of applications and provide constant support.
  • Provide SEO solutions for single-page apps.
  • Develop application code and unit tests in the AngularJS, Rest Web Services, and Java technologies for the Application Development Center.

6 Steps to Hire an AngularJS Developer

The demand for AngularJS developers remains high. According to Indeed, as of 2021, AngularJS is among the top 5 most in-demand JavaScript frameworks, indicating a continued need for skilled AngularJS professionals in the job market.

Hiring expert AngularJS developers can be challenging for businesses these days due to the high demand for skilled AngularJ developers coupled with limited supply, competition from larger companies, and limited budget and brand recognition if you’re a small or medium business.

Not to mention, the complexity of the framework and the need for thorough technical assessment make it harder for you to identify the right fit if you don’t have the technical background or a PM to assist you.

But don’t fret, as said earlier, we’re here to assist you in your hiring and make it easier for you.

To ensure a simple and fast hiring process that results in a good hire, you can follow these steps:

1. Have a clear job description

Clearly outlining the specific skills, experience, and qualifications you are seeking in an AngularJS developer is the most important step. This will help attract the right candidates and streamline the selection process.

💡Pro tip: Consider offering hybrid or remote work options as they can serve as an appealing incentive and help attract top talent.

2. Utilize multiple sourcing channels

Cast a wide net when searching for candidates. For remote Angularjs developers use online job boards, professional networking platforms, and developer communities to reach a large pool of potential candidates.

💡Pro tip: LinkedIn is a great platform to headhunt great Angular candidates; just make sure to use advanced search filters, such as the “open to hire” filter, to precisely target candidates who meet your requirements.

3. Screen resumes and portfolios

Review resumes and portfolios to shortlist candidates who meet your requirements. Look for relevant AngularJS experience, projects, and a strong understanding of JavaScript and front-end development.

💡Pro tip: Look for candidates who not only possess relevant AngularJS experience but also demonstrate a strong understanding of JavaScript and front-end development through their projects and accomplishments. This shows their ability to apply their skills effectively and adds value to their expertise in AngularJS development.

4. Conduct technical assessments

To ensure candidates possess the necessary skills, consider conducting technical assessments or coding challenges. This can help you gauge their proficiency in AngularJS and problem-solving abilities.

💡Pro tip: When assessing candidates’ AngularJS skills, it can be beneficial to create practical tests or coding challenges that simulate real-life scenarios they may encounter on the job.

For example, you can ask them to build a small web application using AngularJS or solve coding problems related to common challenges in AngularJS development. This approach allows you to see how the candidates apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills in a relevant context. Additionally, consider including exercises where candidates are asked to review and provide feedback on existing AngularJS code or collaborate on coding tasks with other team members. This can provide valuable insights into their ability to work effectively in a team and communicate their ideas and approaches in an AngularJS development environment.

5. Conduct interviews

Schedule interviews with the shortlisted candidates to assess their technical skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit. Prepare a list of relevant questions to evaluate their experience and expertise in AngularJS development.

💡Pro tip: In addition to evaluating candidates’ technical skills and experience during interviews (check the technical questions below), pay attention to their communication abilities and cultural fit. While technical expertise is crucial, it’s equally important that candidates can effectively communicate their ideas and collaborate with the team.

6. Evaluate past projects or code samples

Request past projects or code samples that demonstrate the candidate’s AngularJS skills. This can provide insight into their coding style, structure, etc.

💡Pro tip: Look beyond the end result and pay attention to their coding style and structure. Analyzing the organization, readability, and modularity of their code will give you insights into their technical proficiency and ability to write clean and maintainable code. This thorough evaluation of their code samples can help you assess whether the candidate’s approach aligns with your team’s coding standards and project requirements, improving the chances of finding the right fit for your AngularJS development needs.

Best AngularJS Interview Questions in 2024

Now that you understand the benefits of having an Angular developer, it’s time to discuss what interview questions are most important and tell of the developer’s knowledge of the framework.

1. Explain Scope In AngularJS

Scope is an object that is an execution context for expressions. Scopes refer to the application model and are arranged in a hierarchical structure that mimics the Document Object Model (DOM) structure of the application.

Scopes are able to both watch expressions and propagate events. Some of its important characteristics include:

  • Providing APIs ($watch) to observe model mutations
  • Nesting scopes in order to control access to certain application components and properties. These nested scopes are referred to as either “child scopes” or “isolate scopes.” As their names imply, child scopes inherit properties from their parent scopes while isolate scopes do not.
  • Evaluating expressions through the context of the scope
  • Propagating model changes from outside of the AngularJS realm through the system into the view with APIs ($apply) provided by scopes

Referring to scope as a data-model, it is the “glue between application controller and the view.” Directives set up $watch expressions on the scope during the template linking phase, which help directives to know about property changes. This, in turn, lets the directive send the updated value to the DOM.

The controller is isolated from both the directive and the DOM because controllers and directives do not have reference to each other, but they both have reference to the scope. This assists in making the controller’s view agnostic, improving testing.

Any person who is interviewing for an AngularJS job should have extensive knowledge of scope. $scope objects are a vital concept in this framework, bridging the application controller and view.

An example given in the AngularJS documentation is below:

angular.module('scopeExample', [])

 .controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {

 $scope.username = 'World';

$scope.sayHello = function() {

 $scope.greeting = 'Hello ' + $scope.username + '!';



As we can see in this example, World is assigned to the username property of the scope with the  MyController. Then, the scope notifies the input, and the input is pre-filled with the username. With the above example, you can understand how data is written into the scope via a controller.

The scope’s properties can also be automatically updated when bound to HTML input widgets. In another example given in the documentation, a behavior assigned to scope is invoked upon a user click. The example is as follows:

it('should say hello', function() {

 var scopeMock = {};

 var cntl = new MyController(scopeMock);

// Assert that username is pre-filled


// Assert that we read new username and greet

 scopeMock.username = 'angular';


 expect(scopeMock.greeting).toEqual('Hello angular!');

To understand the logical rendering of {{greeting}}, it’s important to recognize that this includes:

  • “retrieval of the scope associated with DOM node where {{greeting}} is defined in template. In this example this is the same scope as the scope which was passed into MyController.
  • Evaluate the greeting expression against the scope retrieved above, and assign the result to the text of the enclosing DOM element.”

So, the scope can be considered the single source-of-truth for everything view related. Separating the controller and the view helps test the code without needing to focus on any rendering details.

To summarize, the scope is able to watch expressions and propagate events. It glues together the application controller and the view, which are arranged hierarchically and closely imitate the application’s DOM structure.

2. Explain How $watch Works Within The $digest Cycle

This question covers a few different positions. Not only do your potential employees need to understand both $watch and $digest, they need to understand how these two concepts fit together.

Essentially, with each digest cycle, the current and previous $watch expressions are compared to each other; the $digest must be called via the $apply method if you wish to trigger it manually. It’s performed asynchronously. Because of this, the $watch is only notified during the $digest phase, not immediately.

Because of this delay, you can be certain that other $watches aren’t running at the same time as another $watch notification. Additionally, one $watch notification coalesces many different model updates, if necessary. Each change of the $watch value creates an additional $digest cycle until all values are updated.

To simplify this process, the AngularJS documentation explains that, “At the end of $apply, AngularJS performs a $digest cycle on the root scope, which then propagates throughout all child scopes. During the $digest cycle, all $watched expressions or functions are checked for model mutation and if a mutation is detected, the $watch listener is called.”

From here, the scope is destroyed, as well as any unnecessary child scopes. Destroying these processes is particularly necessary to save memory by stopping the $digest calls into the child scope.

This digest cycle is a loop that completes what was explained in the first question: when the model is changed, the view is updated.

To summarize, first, a event is triggered, changing the activity model value. Then, AngularJS compares these values to the old values. If they are different, the digest cycle begins. This cycle checks the watchers that are assigned to each object in the scope. These watches then tell the digest cycle which model is changed, and therefore, which should be updated. Lastly, this cycle runs again (referred to as a dirty check), which ensures the model and view are in sync.

Some bonus points for the AngularJS interview can be earned if the interviewee also explains how having too many watchers make the digest cycle too slow and consumes too much memory. A general rule is that over 2000 watchers on a page is too many.

3. Explain What A Service Is And Why It’s Used

Services in AngularJS are “substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection (DI).” Services are global and used to organize and share code across your app.

They are only instantiated if an application component depends on it, otherwise referred to as lazily instantiated. This makes AngularJS applications less error prone and more robust.

Additionally, services are singletons, which means that “each component dependent on a service gets a reference to the single instance generated by the service factory.” Put simply, each service is responsible for only its specific task.

These services can be created using either a factory or a service method. If the person being interviewed does not explain the difference between these two types of methods, ask them to explain further. Our answer is located below.

With an AngularJS service, it’s possible to develop business logic without needing the View logic that it will work with. Some popular inbuilt services that AngularJS provides include the $http service, the $log service, and the $anchorScroll.

The $http service helps you connect to the remote HTTP servers. The $log service is a simple server that helps the developers log, safely writing any messages into the browser’s console. The $anchorScroll scrolls either to the element that is related to the declared hash or the current value of  $location.hash().

To make sure your applicant knows their way around services, ask them to name a few of the popular built-in services provided by AngularJS. Some of these, all of which begin with the $ symbol, include:

  • $window – a reference to the browser’s window object
  • $location – parses the URL in the browser address bar based on the window.location so this URL is available to your application
  • $filter – used to formatting data that is displayed to the user
  • $resource – lets you interact with Restful APIs
  • $timeout – provides a reference to the window.setTimeout function
  • $rootScope – each application has only one root scope in which every other scope is descended from. Scope was discussed in-depth above
  • $document – a jQuery or jqLite wrapper for the browser’s window.document object
  • $exceptionHandler – handles any uncaught exception in AngularJS expressions. By default, any exceptions are delegated to $log.error which logs it into the browser console.
  • $parse – simply converts AngularJS expression into a function
  • $cacheFactory – constructs cache objects and gives access to them

Of course, your applicant won’t have all of these memorized, but they should be able to name a few that they commonly interact with.

Your developers can evolve reusable APIs within their application through services creating reusable components. Additionally, using the AngularJS controller, it’s possible to inject one service into another.

Injecting the data held in one service into another via the controller is the simplest way to share data between controllers. However, it’s also possible to share data between controllers by using events or things such as $parent or nextSibling to access the controllers directly.

However, your interviewee should know that using services and a controller in the method describe above is the most efficient and helps facilitate easier testing.

4. Explain The Difference Between A Factory Method And A Service Method

Now, we’ll discuss a bit about what was mentioned earlier: factories and services. These two different options are provided so developers can store business logic and persistent data separately from controllers and scopes inside an application.

In an example below, we’ll explain the difference between a service function and a factory function. As you’ll see, both log “hello,” but the main difference to understand is located right before you print these words. With a factory, it’s a function that has to be called, whereas a service is a constructor function.

A simple way to see this is that, in the service example, you can use the keyword “this,” whereas the factory you cannot. Instead, you have to explicitly return the object you created with the factory.

// The code below is a service.

 app.service('MyService', function () {

 this.sayHello = function () {




// The code below is a factory.

 app.factory('MyService', function () {

 return {

 sayHello: function () {





If your applicant really wants to impress you, they can explain how “a service calls a predefined factory, which ends up as $get()$get() method on the corresponding provider.” Put more simply, “$injector.instantiate()) is the method that ultimately calls Object.create() with the constructor function. That’s why we use this in services.”

function service(name, constructor) {

 return factory(name, ['$injector', function($injector) {

 return $injector.instantiate(constructor);



How Many Different Ways Are There To Create Services In Angularjs? Can You Elaborate On Them?

There are five different ways, referred to by AngularJS as recipies: Factory, Service, Provider, Value, and Constant.

  1. Factory

Of course, we just discussed Factory a bit. With a Factory, other services are able to be injected into it after it is created. Factory has more abilities than some of the other options, like the Value recipe, such as the capability to have dependencies, or use other services, service initialization, and more.

The Factory recipe takes a string (the name of the service) and a function (the implementation) as an argument. The string is used to inject the service into a controller as a dependency. Angular executes the function once when the service is registered.

Then, the return value is cached and able to be shared with other parts of your application that inject the service.

A main difference between Factory and Service is that, with the Factory method, the callback function is executed, whereas with the Service, the function is simply instantiated. Let’s take a look at an example of how to create a Factory recipe.

// Create a factory service

app.factory(“username”, function() {

var name=”John”;

return {




Here we can see that function() is taken as an argument. In this, it’s possible to inject multiple dependencies or methods, depending on your particular service. An object must be returned; here the name is returned.

Then, let’s see how this Factory service can be used in the controller. Here’s you’ll see that the username from the Factory that was created is assigned to the scope username.

app.controller(“MainController”, function($scope, username) {



Let’s look at one more example that is a common approach to creating a Factory recipe.

var app = angular.module(‘myApp’, []);

myApp.factory(‘myService’, function() {

return {

sayHello: function() {

Return “Hello”




With this example, any component that lists the service, myService, as a dependency will receive the object that, in this example, simply has one method, sayHello.

2. Value

This is a very simple service type that developers are able to create and use. Alluding to its name, it’s only able to store one single value. This recipe is typically used to make a global and injectable Angular service. This value can then be easily shared across the application, becoming testable.

Let’s look at a couple examples to better understand this option.

var app = angular.module(‘app’, []);

app.value(“employee”, 50);

Here, we have the primitive value of 50, but it’s also possible to use objects here.

var app = angular.module(‘app’, []);

app.value(“jobTitle”, {title: CEO’});

From here, either of the above examples can be used throughout the app via dependency injection. In this following example, you can see that a value service “employee” was created and then used in the MainController.

app.controller(“MainController”, function($scope, employee){



3. Constant

Once again alluding to its name, this recipe is used to declare constants. After they are declared, they are then able to be added as a dependency and used where they are needed. It can also be used during the configuration phase of the application.

This service is typically used with values such as the application name or base URLs. As your developers should know, these constant values cannot be changed. So, they are defined once, then reused throughout the app as needed.

Here are a couple different examples. This one sets an unchangeable username:

app.constant(‘username’, ‘Admin’);

This example sets a constant of max iterations:

var app = angular.module(‘myApp’, []);

app.constant(MAX_ITERATIONS”, 5);

4. Service

This one is similar to the factory recipe except it receives a JavaScript class or a constructor function that is instantiated as an argument rather than a function. The function is instantiated only once and “every component that injects your service as a dependency share the same exact cached object that this instantiation returns.”

Here are some examples that you can see of this one.

function Example(number) {

this.var=”value”; }

After you’ve established a function, you can convert it into a Service with the Factory recipe.

app.factory(“service”,[“num”, function(num) {

return new Example(num);


As you see, a new instance is created and returned and num is injected as a dependency in the Factory.

Here’s one more example:

var app = angular.module(‘app’, []);

app.service(‘service’, function() {

this.helloWorld = function() {

return “Hello World”



If you compare this to the Factory recipe, you can see that they are very similar. In the Service recipe, though, you can use the this keyword to define properties and methods of the object that the Service returns. This is because it’s instantiated, rather than being executed.

5. Provider

The fifth option is the Provider recipe, and it is rather complex when compared to the other options. It is actually the parent of all the service types that you can use within AngularJS (apart from a Constant).

It is the core of the service types, so the others work on top of it. It also provides many features that the others don’t, although it is more verbose. The service registered with this is able to be accessed by the application during its configuration phase, which is quite useful if the service will be shared across different applications and needs to be properly configured.

This configurable service must implement the $get method in order to retrieve the object to inject. This service can also be used to show the API responsible for configuration across the application.

Another important thing that your applicants should know about using this recipe is that the callback function is instantiated with each application that it is registered with, and all components that inject that service share its return value. Essentially, the Provider recipe treats the callback function that is passed as a constructor.

Here are some examples to help with this more difficult recipe.

The first example initializes a provider named authentication and implements the $get function that returned the method getUserName which, aptly named, returns the private variable username.

app.provider(‘authentication’, function() {

var username = “John”;

return {

set: function(newUserName) {

username = newUserName;


$get: function() {

function getUserName() {

return username;


return {

getUserName: getUserName





There is additionally a setter that is utilized on application startup to set the username.

The best practice involving this is to prefix your own directive names so you don’t collide with a future standard. The example given by the Developer guide is that “if you created a directive, it would be problematic if HTML7 introduced the same element. A two or three letter prefix (e.g. btfCarousel) works well.”

app.config([“authenticationProvider”,function(authenticationProvider) {

Let’s take a look at one more example where we create a Service named helloWorld that is available during the configuration phase of the application. As you’ll see, once the service is registered, the app.config method is called and the helloWorld service is passed as an argument to the anonymous callback function.

var app = angular.module(‘myApp’, []);

app.provider(‘helloWorld’, function() {

this.name = ‘Default’;

this.$get = function() {

var name = this.name;

return {

sayHello: function() {

return “Hello, “ + name




this.setName = function(name) {

this.name = name;



app.config(function(helloWorldProvider) {



Within this callback, the service’s setName method sets the name value. The helloWorld service is able to be used with a different “name” value in another application if you need to.

6. Explain Unit Testing And End-to-end Testing

Unit testing

First, let’s talk about unit testing. Because JavaScript is dynamically typed, there’s great power of expression but the compiler does not assist the developer much. Because of this, strong, frequent tests are a non-negotiable for any application written in JavaScript.

While testing can be difficult to perform, AngularJS provides its users with multiple different features that help make testing easier.

Unit testing is, as you might imagine, testing specific units of code. Some of the questions these tests work to answer are ones such as “Did I think about the logic correctly?” or “Does the sort function order the list in the right order?”

As most developers know, these questions can’t be answered well if related pieces such as the DOM elements or XHR calls are made to fetch the data to sort are created. The reason the specific piece of code needs to be isolated is in order to test only the sort function and nothing else.

Even if you understand why each element should be separated, it can be very difficult to test specific functions or methods and stop the code from doing things such as making that XHR request, sorting the response data, and manipulating the DOM.

That’s why AngularJS created tools to try and help you organize your code into units to better test it. As they explain, “For your XHR requests, we provide dependency injection, so your requests can be simulated. For the DOM, we abstract it, so you can test your model without having to manipulate the DOM directly.”

This way, the tests don’t need to create or look at the state of the DOM or get data returned from the XHR requests. Instead, they can simply see if the data has been properly sorted in isolation.

Dependency injection is a particularly useful built-in feature that your applicants should be able to explain to you in detail. As testing is so important for any application, it’s important that they know how AngularJS makes it more simple.

With dependency injection, developers are able to pass in a component’s dependencies and stub or mock them as desired. If a component has its dependencies injected, it is easily mocked for each test you run without the need for changing global variables that could potentially alter a different test.

The AngularJS injector subsystem “is in charge of creating components, resolving their dependencies, and providing them to other components as requested.” It is possible to run throughout AngularJS when defining components or providing run and config blocks for a module.

Components, including directives, filters, services, and animations, are defined by an injectable factory method or constructor function. “Service” and “value” components can then be injected into these components as dependencies.

“Service” and “value” components as dependencies can also inject controllers (defined by a constructor function). If needed, they can be provided with special dependencies. The run method accepts a function. This method can also be injected with “service” and “value,” as well as “constant” components, as dependencies. However, you cannot inject “providers” into run blocks.

Lastly, the config method accepts a function. This one can be injected with “provider” and “constant” components as dependencies, but you can’t inject “service” or “value” components into configuration.

If you want to unit test an AngularJS filter, it’s very simple. You simply have to inject the module with the filter, provide any mocks the filter needs, get an instance of the filter using $filter(‘filerName’), then assert your expectations.

While dependency injection helps make testing much more simple and useful in AngularJS, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to configure and mock the necessary dependencies when you are creating an isolated unit test. Ask your interviewee about this to truly understand their knowledge of the subject.

e2e testing

Next, let’s look into e2e, or end-to-end testing in AngularJS. One thing that is important to note is that, previously, end-to-end testing could be completed using AngularJS Scenario Runner, a deprecated tool. However, this tool is currently in maintenance mode.

Manual testing isn’t always possible. This is particularly true if your company is working with a very large and/or complex application. As the application grows, unfortunately, so do the bugs. While e2e testing can be handled manually if that’s what you prefer, it can also be delegated to continuous integration services. These can be both custom built or provided by a third party.

While unit tests should certainly help catch problems, there are issues that can’t be easily found using only unit tests. So, AngularJS has end-to-end tests to help in these situations. An end to end test runner called Protractor simulates user interaction so you can be sure to catch the bugs that your unit tests missed.

Because of its importance, an AngularJS expert should know how to use Protractor well. This is a Node.js program that runs end-to-end tests that are written in JavaScript and run with node. WebDriver is used with Protractor to control browsers and simulate actions from the user, while Jasmine is used for its test syntax.

Essentially, the e2e tests are executed against a fully initialized system of a running app. Typically, they spawn a browser instance. They also often involve commands being inputted through the user interface.

Then, as mentioned above, the code is evaluated by WebDriver or another automation program, which sends commands to a browser instance. Then, the visible results are evaluated and reported back. From here, Jasmine or a different library handle the assertions.

e2e testing works similarly to unit testing in that a test file consists of at least one it block. This block is made of commands and expectations and describes what your application requires.

Protractor, then, knows to do something with the application, like click a button or navigate to a page, from commands. It is told to assert something about the state, instead, with expectations. This includes things like a current URL or a particular value.

Test files can be told to run before or after an it block by using beforeEach and afterEach blocks. Although typically the runner marks an it block as “failed” if any expectation within it fails and then continues onto the next block, these would run whether the block passes or fails.

So, to summarize, e2e testing comes after unit tests and functions as a safety net, testing the application from the beginning to the end to try and make sure that there are no bugs. After both of these tests and subsequent repairs, everything within the application should be functioning properly, particularly regarding integration and flow issues.

Make sure that your applicant understands both e2e testing and the most popular tool to help with this type of testing, Protractor, which is built by AngularJS. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that there are other ways to run e2e tests, so the person you’re interviewing doesn’t necessarily need to run them on Protractor.

Explain Directives In Angularjs.

Directives, at a high level, are markers on a DOM element. This could be an attribute, element name, comment, or CSS class. These tell AngularJS’s HTML compiler to perform actions, such as to transform the DOM element and its children or, more commonly, attach a specified behavior to that DOM element through event listeners.

These are a very important concepts to understand in AngularJS, so your applicant should know exactly what directives are and how to use them.

Many are built into AngularJS, such as ngBind, ngModel, and ngClass, although you can also build your own directives for AngularJS to use, just like you can build your own controllers and services. According to their Developer Guide, “when AngularJS bootstraps your application, the HTML compiler traverses the DOM matching directives against the DOM elements.”

Directives can be used in many different ways and you need to make sure that your applicant knows these numerous options. They are particularly important because they define the UI within a SPA and can be used in creating custom widgets. Essentially, they add new attributes with the ng-prefix, extending the functionality of HTML.

While it is useful for your applicant to know in-depth about how to create custom widgets, they should also know about some of the popular built-in directives. For example, ngBind “tells AngularJS to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression, and to update the text content when the value of that expression changes.”

On the other hand, ngModel directive “binds an input, select, textarea (or custom form control) to a property on the scope using NgModelController, which is created and exposed by this directive.”

The last main directive is ngClass. This allows users to “dynamically set CSS classes on an HTML element by databinding an expression that represents all classes to be added.” These directives are likely memorized by the interviewee through regular use.

Before writing a directive, it’s important to understand how AngularJS determines when to use said directive via its HTML compiler. The terminology used is that “an element matches a directive when the directive is part of its declaration.”

For example, AngularJS shows that with this code: ng-model=”foo”>, it is proper to say that the input element matches the ngModel directive.

This input element also matches the ngModel: data-ng-model=”foo”>. Additionally, the following element matches the person directive: {{name}}.

To understand which elements match which directives, AngularJS normalizes an element’s tag and attribute name. Directives are referred to in the DOM by lower-case forms because HTML is case-insensitive. As you’ve seen, the dash-delimited attributes, such as ng-model, are typically used.

The way that these are normalized is by stripping the x- and data- from the from of the element or attributes and then converting the :, -, or _-delimited name to camelCase. The Developer Guide gives the follow forms as examples of equivalent forms that match the ngBind directive:


Hello ng-model=’name’>






While this example shows many different options, it is considered best practice to use the dash-delimited format. The others are accepted for legacy reasons but the applicants should be aware that they should be avoided.

While your applicant likely uses the provided directives regularly, it is still important for them to understand how to create them on their own.

Similar to controllers, directives are registered on modules via the module.directive API. This API simply takes the normalized directive name (described above) followed by a factory function. Then, different options to tell compile how the directive should behave when matched should be returned by the factory function as an object.

You can perform your initialization work when the factory function is invoked for the only time when the compiler matches the directive for the first time. $injector.invoke invokes this function, making it injectable like a controller.

Additionally, they advise not to prefix the directives that you create with ng so there isn’t any fear of them conflicting with the directives provided by AngularJS

How DistantJob Can be your Headhunter

AngularJS is a very large and powerful framework that requires an expert to give you the best possible code that is free from bugs, maintainable, and robust.

With these questions, you’ll cover the most important concepts to make sure that you hire a top AngularJS developer who can provide you with the code and applications you need.

Hiring an expert AngularJS developer can be a game-changer for your project, but we understand that the process can be challenging and time-consuming. If you’d rather have a dedicated team handle the heavy lifting for you, look no further than DistantJob.

Our experienced recruiters specialize in finding the most qualified candidates who can ace all the necessary questions and seamlessly integrate into your team as proficient AngularJS developers. Contact us today and let us take charge of your hiring process, allowing you to relax and focus on what matters most – driving your business forward.

FAQ on Hiring AngularJs Developers

Where can I find Angular developers?

You can find Angular developers on various platforms such as LinkedIn, job boards, developer communities, and through remote IT recruitment agencies such as DistantJob.

How much does it cost to hire an Angular developer?

The cost of hiring an Angular developer can vary depending on factors such as location, experience level, and specific requirements, but the average range is typically between $30 to $100 per hour or a monthly salary of $5000 to $12000.

How to hire AngularJS developers?

To hire AngularJS developers, define your requirements, use job boards and developer communities, screen resumes and portfolios, conduct technical assessments and conduct interviews to assess their skills and fit with your team.

Ihor Shcherbinin

Ihor is the Vice President of Recruiting at DistantJob, a remote IT staffing agency. With over 11 years of experience in the tech recruitment industry, he has established himself as a leading expert in sourcing, vetting and placing top-tier remote developers for North American companies.

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