Best AngularJS Development Tools in 2024 | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency
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Best AngularJS Development Tools in 2024

Joana Almeida
Software Developer - - 3 min. to read

Over the years, AngularJS has established itself as a key player in web development, supported by a vibrant community that offers a wealth of resources, including code snippets and tools.

As we look towards 2024, it’s important to explore the best AngularJS development tools that align with modern development trends. This includes advanced IDEs, robust frameworks, and tools for CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and cloud-based environments, catering to the evolving needs of web apps and pages.

In selecting the best AngularJS development tools for 2024, the focus was on a blend of advanced features, community support, ease of integration, user accessibility, efficiency, and versatility.

Tools were chosen for their comprehensive functionalities, popularity within the AngularJS community, seamless integration with other tools, and a balance of high-end features with ease of use

Let’s dive into some of the top AngularJS tools that are shaping the future of web development in the next year to come.

Top 6 IDEs AngularJS Tools

A good tool to code in is essential when developing a project. It can help developers write and debug code more efficiently. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular AngularJS development tools.

1. WebStorm

JetBrains has a long history of developing robust IDEs, with many features that help developers in all stages of development. WebStorm is no different, providing JavaScript developers with one of the smartest code completion and analysis tools out there. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you, it has several other enticing features, such as remote collaboration, database tools, and embedded unit testing. If you want a certain feature that you cannot find in the vanilla package, there’s always the plugin marketplace to extend its core functionality.

2. Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio was built from the ground up to be a web development IDE, and it shows. It features lots of tools to help build web apps and pages, but by far the most useful are its code assistant, which tells developers at a glance which browsers support a certain element, and a deployment wizard to quickly get the latest version of your project up and running in a live environment.

3. Angular IDE

Angular IDE is an extension for the MyEclipse Java IDE that allows developers to develop Angular projects natively. It features wizards to ease the creation and set up of projects, but also of components, services and modules, which speeds up development significantly. It also has a handy feature in the form of CodeLive, a tool to inspect which elements and Angular Components are being loaded on the web page.

4. Sublime Text

Sublime Text has long been considered a very lightweight and stable code editor and has become even more so with its recent 4th version. With this version, several useful features for Angular developers were introduced or improved, namely GPU rendering, context-aware autocomplete and Support for Javascript shipped by default. It also provides a Python API that allows for the development of extensions, and its  extension ecosystem has a vibrant community.

5. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is Microsoft’s most recent and free IDE. Streamlined but still powerful, it provides a solid working environment for programming in most languages and has several extensions that help set  up other tools and modules for a given language or development environment. Angular is no exception, and Visual Studio Code features dozens of extensions specifically for Angular, including AngularJS tools, UI elements, and other snippets.

6. JSFiddle

Unlike other IDEs on this list, JSFiddle stands out by being a solid online solution to develop and debug, providing separate windows for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular all in one place for easy editing. Plus, it also allows for real-time collaboration. It is extremely useful to develop small code snippets or to test out new ideas.

Best 5 Angular js Frameworks

When building a project, it’s important to have a strong foundation that makes expansion easier. Frameworks provide a good starting point to create and evolve your Angular projects.

1. Angular Kickstart

A framework geared toward developing Single Page Applications (SPA), Angular Kickstart uses a combination of AngularJS, Gulpjs, and Bower to help you develop your page. It also has a modular structure out of the box that helps your code stay reusable and comes with a special task to run your unit tests.

2. Angular Seed

Built to develop web apps, Angular Seed is an application skeleton for developers to build upon. It provides a robust project structure, including a configuration to run both unit tests and end-to-end tests.

3. Djangular

If you want to use Django in conjunction with AngularJS, you’ll want to give Djangular a look. It features a lot of quality of life features that help the integration and communication between AngularJS and Django, using a similar project structure to Angular Seed.

4. Angular Fire

If you have a Firebase app and you want to use AngularJS alongside it, Angular Fire simplifies that process by providing developers with many features that ease the transition between the two technologies, including the dynamic importing of Firebase to reduce the loading time of your app.


While not a framework in the purest sense, the MEAN tech stack is a commonly used set of technologies that work well together to build all sorts of web projects, including AngularJS. It relies solely on JavaScript as a programming language, which helps developers by providing code reusability between layers of the project.

Top 5 AngularJS Libraries and Components

Libraries and components are core Angular developer tools. They provide easy to use features that are invaluable to developers to save on development time.

1. Angular-gettext

angular-gettext is an indispensable tool if you’re developing an international AngularJS app. It allows developers to annotate their text with attributes, and the library works behind the scenes to provide translations depending on parameters such as a number of elements (singular and plurals).

2. Angular Deckgrid

If you want a lightweight solution to implement grids in our project, Angular Deckgrid is here to help. By using a template and some CSS, developers can quickly build a custom grid that fits your project’s needs, including responsive grids.

3. Videogular

Videogular is the answer to all those web apps or pages that need video playing. It provides many helpful functions such as moving to specific time points within the video or even changing the video within the player.

4. AngularUI

AngularUI provides a list of varied AngularJS modules to add different components and functionality to an app or page, such as calendars, maps, and sliders. Using these modules provides standard compliant elements and can speed up development considerably.

5. Ngx-restangular

Ngx-restangular helps an app or page’s client-side communication by providing a way to get data through a RESTful API. With this library in your project, you can alias your URLs for ease of use and decrease your project’s memory footprint by reusing the same object for several requests.

Best Testing & Debugging Tools for AngularJs

Testing is an important step of development and should be performed regularly. Catching bugs early makes your app look all the more professional to your end-users. Let’s look at some Angular dev tools to help with this.


Karma, a test runner designed for AngularJS applications, provides an automated environment that can run tests in multiple real browsers simultaneously, and do so at regular intervals during development, including on every save.

It integrates with popular testing frameworks like Jasmine and Mocha, and ensures consistent results across different web browsers.


Jasmine is a test framework that is easy to write tests in while being highly customizable. One of its advantages is that it is standalone and can function by itself out of the box, and does not require a DOM to work. It can be configured to run with Node.js or in a browser.


Mocha is a test framework running on Node.js that runs tests serially and makes accurate reports with the time the tests took. Renowned for its accuracy and flexibility, Mocha.js permits asynchronous testing and can operate on both Node.js and browsers.

It has several quality-of-life features for developers, such as string diff, test retry, highlight slow tests (with configurable thresholds) and global variable leak detection.


Protractor is a test framework for AngularJS applications that simulates real user interaction in a real browser. It has a handy feature of running the steps in the tests automatically after the page finishes its pending tasks, easing the work of the developer by not needing to code in waits and sleeps that can potentially bloat the tests’ code and induce errors.


NG-inspector is a particularly useful AngularJS dev tool in the form of a browser extension that helps with the development and debugging of AngularJS applications. By being a browser extension, it provides developers with powerful tools that allow them to see the rendered app while also inspecting the DOM nodes in real-time.


Using AngularJS is a good choice for your projects in part because of the wide community available and the tools it has developed over time. We hope you’ve found an AngularJS dev tool that fits your project or one that you didn’t know about and are eager to try out!

Looking for Angular expert developers at affordable prices? Distantjob works with many talented and professional developers and can easily find someone to fill a position in your company at attractive rates while also being a great culture fit. Get in contact with us!

FAQ on Best AngularJS Tools

Which IDE is best for AngularJS?

That will heavily depend on the use case for your project. We’ve given you ample choices above, but if we had to choose:
Webstorm: If you want an expensive but powerful web development IDE.
Aptana Studio: If you want a free web development IDE.
Sublime Text: If you want a paid but fast and light generalist IDE.
Visual Studio Code: If you want a free generalist IDE.

What is the build tool for Angular?

To build Angular Projects you’ll need the Angular CLI, which gives you access to its build tool in the form of ng build.

What are the tools used for AngularJS?

The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) equips developers with a variety of tools to streamline AngularJS development. It includes capabilities for integrating libraries, compiling applications, managing configurations, deploying projects, accessing documentation, running end-to-end testing, creating or modifying files, code linting, initializing new applications, executing complex tasks with Architect, building and serving apps, conducting unit tests, updating applications and dependencies, and extracting internationalization messages. These functionalities are essential for efficient AngularJS project management, from initiation to deployment.

Joana Almeida

Joana Almeida (GitHub: SorceryStory) is our Technical Writer at DistantJob. With her unique background spanning software development and game design, Joana brings deep technical insights and clear communication to her writing on cutting-edge technologies, development frameworks, and collaboration tips and tools for remote dev teams.

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