Joana Almeida, Author at DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency

Joana Almeida

Software Developer


Joana Almeida (GitHub: SorceryStory) is our Technical Writer at DistantJob. With her unique background spanning software development and game design, Joana brings deep technical insights and clear communication to her writing on cutting-edge technologies, development frameworks, and collaboration tips and tools for remote dev teams.

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Industry Expertise

Joana Almeida writes about a wide range of tech topics that help both companies and developers. She breaks down complex tech stacks, making it easier for people to choose the right technologies for their projects. Joana also compares different development frameworks, explaining what each one is good for and where they might fall short. Knowing how important teamwork is in remote jobs, she creates easy-to-follow guides on using online tools to work together better. She also writes about new technologies like AI and virtual reality, showing how they're changing the way software is made.

  • Video Game Programming and Design
  • Software Development (C#, JavaScript, Python)
  • Agile Workforce
  • Remote Work Technologies and Practices
  • Rapid Prototyping and Game Jams
  • Managing development projects
  • Tech Stack Analysis and Optimization
  • UI/UX Development

Joana Almeida in the Media


Other Publications

All posts by Joana Almeida

Secure Software Development: What are the Key Best Practices for Success?

Throughout the development, deployment, and maintenance phases, any software project is susceptible to attacks and security risks. Hackers can infiltrate and exploit weaknesses at any […]

Digital Minimalism in Software Development and How to Implement it

Managing software development teams comes with unique challenges. One often overlooked issue is the constant digital noise developers face daily. From endless notifications to multiple […]

Code Refactoring for Remote Teams: A Comprehensive Guide to Software Redesign and Optimization

Refactoring code is one of the most popular techniques for cleaning your code and making changes without stopping running software. One of the first promoters […]

Chaos Engineering: Principles, Benefits, and Best Practices

Over time, discussions have occurred regarding the implementation of chaos engineering and whether companies need it. However, the bottom line is that we all depend […]

Code Futureproofing – Good or Bad Practice

Is code futureproofing a good or bad practice? The short answer is it depends.   Futureproofing your code makes it easy to add code or features without […]

Sustainable Software Development: 9 Eco-friendly Coding Practices

Our planet is dying; embracing sustainable software development practices is one way the IT industry can contribute towards saving it.    Sustainable software development (or sustainable […]

What Is CI/CD In Software Engineering?

CI/CD, known as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, are concepts within Agile software development, particularly in the DevOps framework. They embody principles and best practices […]

Software Development Project Management Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide

In the field of project management, software development stands out as a particularly complex and dynamic area. According to a Techpedia report, organizations using project […]

C# vs. Java: What Are Its Main Differences

Both Java and C# occupy a solid position in the world of back-end development, cloud apps, Windows client applications, and big data processing among many […]

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