How The Right Offshore Recruiting Company Can Boost Efficiency | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency
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How The Right Offshore Recruiting Company Can Boost Efficiency

Sharon Koifman
Founder and Remote CEO at DistantJob - - - 3 min. to read

When it’s time to get serious about improving your business and getting to the next level, it’s time to consider remote recruiting. There is plenty of information out there on the benefits of remote recruitment, but there is more to it than just saving money on personnel. 

Hiring remote workers can be a game changer for your business, especially if you’re planning to focus on offshoring a part or all of your business to another location. When you do decide to go for remote talent, you must give a thought to hiring an offshore recruitment company that can do the job of hiring the best professionals for you. 

For the uninitiated, let’s begin with what offshoring and offshore recruiting is and how remote hiring can be a game changer for your business.

What is Offshore Recruiting?

Offshoring refers to the act of moving some or all of the business operations of a company to another country for reasons such as cost-cutting, better talent, or improvement in profits.

While many businesses feel that offshoring or remote recruitment is unfair to the domestic workforce, a study from as far back as 2017 shows quite the opposite. The study revealed hiring overseas labor was linked with an increase in that company’s domestic employment numbers. With remote work becoming the norm now, it is increasingly evident that offshoring can actually benefit businesses and also professionals from across the globe.

Offshore recruiting is the activity of hiring professionals from outside the vicinity of your office location. These remote workers or even remote departments can exist in different cities or countries. As a business, you can take cost and better talent into consideration when deciding on which region to focus on when looking to recruit remote employees.

This is a good decision, but it isn’t as easy as it sounds. It can be time and resource-consuming besides which, it is also not like any other regular recruitment activity. Offshore recruitment demands expertise. You need someone who has experience hiring remote talent and expertise in knowing where to look for the right talent. The new remote employee should also adapt to your company culture and values easily.

The best thing to do in such a scenario to save cost, time, and resources is to hire the right offshore recruiting company that can elevate your business to new highs by finding the perfect talent in a short span of time.

All said and done, why is it that important to opt for offshore recruitment? Let’s find out.

Why Offshore Recruiting?

Can you imagine what would have happened to the chocolate factory if Willie Wonka had to worry about keeping an accurate aging report instead of making chocolate bars? Remote workers allow you to have a staff of professionals that can focus on important aspects of your business that are not part of your core functions while providing substantial savings on your personnel costs. The result is that you can invest more of your company’s time and money on making great chocolate bars, or whatever it is your company does rather than on overhead.

Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Recruiting Company

A good offshore hiring agency can do a lot for you. They can look in the right places to find that perfect fit for your business and they can speed up the process to also meet important deadlines.

Here are all the benefits of offshore hiring that recruitment agencies keep  in mind in accordance with your business needs.


1. Cost Savings

This one is obvious but let’s talk about all of the things that contribute to these savings for your business.

  • Cheaper labor, depending on the location you’re hiring in.
  • Hiring remotely means the staff doesn’t need to come to a physical office. This leads to a lot of indirect cost cuts. Lower electricity bills, no equipment cost, no expenditure on snacks, etc. Add up all of the small expenditures, and you’ll be amazed at how much you actually save up every month just by hiring remote employees.
  • You can use this saved up money for other important business needs like software, advertising, etc. If you don’t opt for offshore recruitment, you need to shell out extra money for such activities.

An expert remote recruitment agency will look for the best talent in regions that suit your hiring budget the best.

2. Access to Global Talent

You’ve always wanted the best for your business then why would you want to limit yourself to a very tiny pool of talent from one region alone? When you opt for remote hiring, the world becomes your talent pool!

You don’t need to stick to one location only when looking for candidates. Look for the best fit for your business from all of the continents in the world. 

An offshore recruiting company already has many expert resumes from across the globe in their database. Besides that, they also know how to headhunt emerging global talent for you.

3. Round the Clock Work

If you want to bring in an extra shift to add to your customer service offering or increase tech support for your customers, that could cost you big money. But if you opt for remote workers, you can save money on that extra personnel while expanding the offerings to your clients. Your company can become the model of efficiency to your customers by being available 24-hours and the cost to add that efficiency would be minimal.

With different offshore teams and remote workers, you will have good speed with projects. While one team or employee ends the day, another one takes the work ahead in another part of the world where the work day has just begun.

The work doesn’t stop and efficiency stays intact because it isn’t one team or employee who is working overtime. All of them are working their own working hours but the work still goes on.

If your business requires customer service or project work to be done round the clock, you can make this goal clear to your remote recruitment company. They will be able to scout around for relevant talent in different parts of the world to make sure that the work is done round the clock.

4. Pass on Most Responsibilities to Your Offshore Recruiting Company

Once you decide to hire remotely and hire an offshore recruitment company to do the work, you will end up saving a lot of time and effort that goes into hiring, training, and managing the new workers. 

The recruitment agency is responsible for all the processes and formalities of hiring, onboarding and managing the salaries and other such tasks, while you concentrate on the more functional part to get more work done.

5. Focus on What You Do Best 

Offshore recruiting, when done properly, can boost your company’s efficiency and allow you to focus on what you do best. 

Around 54% of all companies rely on outsourced teams to work with clients and 78% of businesses across the globe feel positive about their offshore recruitment agencies. This is because the right offshore recruiting company can save a lot of your time. This time can be used to pay more attention to the more important aspects of your business.

Read more: Offshoring vs Outsourcing: Yes, there is a Huge Difference

After all, the world can always use a better chocolate bar and remote workers can give Mr. Wonka all the time he needs to dream up big, new inventions.

How to Choose the Right Offshore Recruiting Company

1. Don’t Settle

Partnering with the first offshore recruitment company that comes your way could be a mistake. Don’t hurry the process. Take your time to choose the one that fits your business goals and culture the best if you’re looking for a successful, long-term partnership.

While you’re at the selection stage, gauge the offshore recruiting company’s interest in your business. Are they willing to spend time to understand your goals, culture and processes in detail? If they’re hurrying into it without understanding what you need, they’re not the right fit. They should also be willing to showcase their infrastructure and technology to you.

2. How Much Experience Do They Have?

Do your research on the history of the offshore recruitment company’s performance and compare that with other competitors. How long have they been around? How many employees do they have? Where are their offices located and what is their clientele? All of these questions need to be answered for you to have a proper understanding about how they work.

The sectors they have more experience in will also give you a good understanding of whether or not they can be a good recruiting partner for you. They should be willing to provide you with case studies and references that showcase their capabilities and expertise.

3. Availability and Timings

If your offshore recruitment company is overseas, you need to understand how they communicate. Will they be available all 24 hours of the day? Do they have a dedicated team that can work for you at the timings that are suitable to you?

Your offshore recruitment partner should be able to make life easier for you to help you give a seamless experience to your clients. The offshore recruitment team needs to be available to you at the times you need them to.

Explore Your Offshore Recruitment Partnership With DistantJob

Now that you have understood the benefits of offshore recruiting, we would like to explore the opportunity to partner with you if you’re looking for offshore developers. DistantJob’s offshore recruitment experience can help you tackle your overseas hiring woes while you focus on more important aspects of your business. We will be happy to take you through all our credentials and processes.

Let’s talk!

Sharon Koifman

Sharon Koifman, the founder and remote president at DistantJob, specializes in recruiting top remote developers and spearheading remote workforce strategies. Sharon's approach combines cutting-edge remote recruitment practices with a deep commitment to building effective, globally distributed teams.

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