Luciana Pirk, Author at DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency

Luciana Pirk


With a decade of experience in remote work, Luciana Pirk is the Content Manager at DistantJob. She combines her expertise in SEO copywriting with leadership skills in managing remote teams. Luciana is dedicated to promoting remote work, focusing on mental health and enjoying activities like meditation and yoga in her free time.

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All posts by Luciana Pirk

Streamlining IT Support Processes With Smart Tech Tools

Even the most talented people need their tool kit. And that’s especially true in a tech-intense area such as IT. While you need skilled employees […]

Good vs Great Developers: What Sets Them Apart

Advanced programming skills are one of many measures to consider when building a tech team. A great developer will mentor new hires during onboarding , […]

Global Talent Mobility: How to Tap into the International Workforce

The shrinking availability of local talent is prompting companies to rethink their approach to workforce management. To thrive in a competitive global market, it’s no […]

Technical Debt Explained: A Comprehensive Guide for Software Teams

Have you ever found yourself and your team in a situation where, no matter what, you must deliver a piece of software in a rush […]

Top 16 Data Integration Tools of 2024: The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Business Efficiency

Data integration tools are key software that combine data from various sources into one clear picture. These tools make it easy to gather, change, and […]

9 IT Recruitment Challenges (And Solutions for 2024)

recruiting tech talent

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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