Facing Recruitment Challenges in 2024? Here Are 9 Solutions to Overcome Them
Offshore IT Staffing Advice / Remote Recruitment & Outsourcing

9 Common IT Recruitment Challenges (And Solutions for 2024)

Sharon Koifman
Founder and Remote CEO at DistantJob - - - 3 min. to read

Recruiting today faces significant hurdles. A limited talent pool makes finding qualified candidates more difficult than ever. High recruitment costs, a time-consuming hiring process, and the difficulty of sourcing specialized tech skills further complicate the task. Geographic constraints also limit your ability to build a diverse and innovative team, making it tough to attract a wide range of talent.

Let’s be honest, relying on local talent pools isn’t just cutting it anymore. With the market tightening and fewer qualified candidates available, it’s crucial to start thinking bigger. This means expanding your search and considering talent beyond your borders to tackle these IT talent acquisition difficulties you’re currently facing.

While there are challenges, there are also solutions. You might not know what these solutions are, but the good news is—you’ve come to the right place for guidance. In this article, we’re going to explore 9 common IT recruitment challenges and share some tips to propel you and your company forward. Read on as we guide you through ways to widen your talent search, simplify your hiring process, and secure the top tech talent you need to succeed in 2024 and beyond.

Key IT Recruitment Challenges and how to solve them, such as Limited talent pool, high recruitment costs, time-consuming recruitment process, difficulty in finding specialized skills, geographic constraints on diversity, limited networking opportunities, high competition, local economic fluctuations, limited flexibility for business expansion

The recruitment obstacles in tech are many. You might be dealing with a limited pool of qualified candidates and the high costs of recruitment or even the constraints of the local market and a lengthy hiring process. 

These challenges can slow down your hiring process, increase costs, and even impact your company’s growth, and we don’t want that. Let’s break them down and provide actionable solutions to overcoming these IT hiring barriers.

1. Limited Talent Pool

Struggling with a limited talent pool in IT? You are most certainly not alone. If you were to ask us, “what is the biggest challenge in IT hiring today?”, we would certainly answer that this is the one. The tech industry has been growing nonstop (and most certainly will continue to do so), and, because of that, the demand for experienced IT professionals has gone through the roof (and beyond). 

The thing is—supply hasn’t kept up, though, making it super difficult to find candidates who both check the boxes of technical skills and cultural needs of your company. Additionally, with such intense competition, hiring can take much longer than it used to and also cost more, which is definitely frustrating when you’re looking to scale.

“What’s the solution?”, you might ask. It’s rather simple: start looking beyond your local area; start searching globally. By doing so while adopting remote work, you may access a much larger talent pool, which increases your chances of finding the perfect candidate for your needs. One great strategy to do so is to partner with remote recruiters. Another one is to consider more alternative recruitment strategies. This approach not only enriches your talent pool but also helps you identify potential talent that may be overlooked through conventional hiring methods.

2. High Recruitment Costs

Another challenge is that recruitment is quite expensive, with the average cost per hire approximately $4,000. This figure includes anything from advertising open positions, to conducting interviews. If you’re also offering competitive salaries, costs end up adding up too fast. To make matters worse, the longer it takes you to fill a role, the more these costs increase, draining your budget and taking a toll on your business growth plans.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep these costs in check. One smart move is to embrace remote hiring. When you do that and start searching globally, you’ll see that you’ll be presented with a variety of skilled professionals from around the world. Besides the quantity (where you’ll want to dig for  quality, of course, but more on that later), you’ll notice that they often come at a lower cost than local hires. And, if you want to take it a step further, consider partnering with specialized staffing agencies. These agencies have the expertise and networks to find top talent quickly, reducing the time and money you spend on recruitment while still bringing in the best people for the job.

3. Time-Consuming Recruitment Process

The recruitment process can be pretty lengthy and take up a lot of time. Sorting through resumes,  conducting multiple rounds of interviews, going through everything—it all adds up. Meanwhile, those unfilled roles are slowing down your projects and hitting your productivity hard.

One way to speed things up is through the use of technology as your ally. You can adopt some AI-powered recruitment tools that sift through applications and highlight the best candidates for you. Automating parts of the screening process doesn’t only save you time but it also takes some pressure off your HR team. This solution really makes the whole process a lot more efficient.

Another strategy if you’re pressed for time is teaming up with IT-expert headhunters. This can be a game changer for you. These pros have the connections and know-how to find top talent quickly, so you can fill those crucial roles without unnecessary delays.

4. Difficulty in Finding Specialized Skills

The demand for niche expertise keeps growing as technology advances. But unfortunately that’s not true when it comes to the supply of qualified candidates that often lags behind. The truth of the matter is that although there are 26.9 million developers out there, 90% of hiring managers are struggling to source skilled candidates. This talent shortage complicates the process for companies trying to fill specialized roles. Ultimately, it can slow down projects and increase costs as companies struggle to fill these critical positions.

To combat this issue, start by investing in building the skills of your current team. Implementing targeted training programs can help your employees acquire the specialized knowledge your company needs, thereby bolstering your internal talent pool.

Another viable strategy is partnering with tech boot camps. These intensive programs are designed to train professionals specifically for the roles you need to fill, providing a pipeline of candidates who are well-prepared to contribute immediately.Moreover, refining your recruitment strategy can make a significant difference. Highlight what makes your company stand out—like a great culture, remote work options, and competitive benefits—to attract top IT talent. Building a strong employer brand that speaks to potential candidates is key. Lastly, consider using specialized recruitment methods that zero in on the exact skills you need.

5. Geographic Constraints on Diversity

Sticking to just one location for hiring? That’s a sure way to restrict the diversity of your team. You’re missing out on the rich variety of ideas and perspectives only a global talent pool can offer. Think about it—a team composed of people from similar backgrounds might struggle to generate the creative solutions needed to tackle complex problems effectively.

So, how do you break out of this local box? Start by embracing remote work. When your team can work from anywhere, you can attract talent from all sorts of cultural and professional backgrounds. In turn, you get a diverse team with fresh ideas that can really drive innovation.Another smart move? Pursue global hiring. With remote work as a foundation, actively seeking out talent from around the world can build you a diverse and resilient team. A team like this is better equipped to tackle challenges from different angles, which can be a real game-changer in the fast-moving world of IT.

6. Limited Networking Opportunities

You know networking is key, right? But have you considered how crucial it is for finding the best IT talent? If you’re not visible in the right places, how will top candidates even know you exist? There are plenty of skilled professionals out there who aren’t actively looking for jobs but might be interested if they learned about your company.

What’s the solution then? We’ll tell you: start by proactively engaging in online communities where IT pros hang out—places like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn. These aren’t just sites for job ads, like many believe. They’re where you can engage with potential candidates, show off your company culture, and start building relationships with the talent you want. Actually, here’s a statistic to back that up: according to Recruiterflow, 73% of job seekers aged 18-34 reported finding their recent job via social media. Did you know that? This just goes to show how crucial it is to have a strong presence on these platforms. So work on that.

And it’s not just about being online. Think about attending industry conferences. They are a great strategy since they let you meet potential employees in person, stay on top of the latest trends, and position your company as a leader in the field. The connections you make at these conferences often lead to referrals, which can become hires of the best caliber.

Last but not least, don’t overlook the significance of a strong employer brand. When your company is known as a great place to work, top talent is more likely to seek you out. This involves not only promoting your company’s culture and values but also being active in the tech community, whether through sponsorships, speaking engagements, or thought leadership. A strong employer brand makes your company stand out in a crowded market and attracts the kind of talent necessary for long-term success.

7. High Competition

With some of the challenges we’ve previously discussed, such as a limited talent pool and the difficulty in finding specialized skills, it’s obvious that the competition for the top IT talent would be cutthroat. Since there aren’t that many expert professionals (or if they are, they might not be skilled in exactly the niche that company is looking for), businesses are going pretty much after the same guys. And, if they’re getting all these offers, how do you make sure yours stands out, making it impossible for candidates to say no?

It all starts with your employer value proposition (EVP). What’s the magic that makes your company a standout place to work? Is it the opportunity for career growth? A culture that truly supports work-life balance? Or maybe it’s the inclusive and collaborative environment you’ve built. Whatever sets you apart, make sure it’s clear and compelling. Your EVP should answer the question: “Why should I choose this company over the rest?”

Sure, competitive salaries and benefits are important, but it’s not all about the money. What else can you bring to the table?  Flexible schedules? The option to work remotely? Comprehensive health coverage? These extras can be the deciding factor when candidates are weighing their options.

And then there’s work culture, which is powerful. Talented professionals aren’t just looking for money, they can get that wherever they go. What they’re looking for is a place where they can grow and thrive, feel valued and excel. So, with such a fierce competition for what they have to offer, what does your work culture offer them? Does it offer them collaboration, innovation, and respect? If so, you’ll attract top talent and keep them engaged long-term, which means less turnover and fewer recruitment headaches down the line.

8. Local Economic Fluctuations

Truth be told, when the economy takes a hit, we all feel it. And this is true for companies in all senses as well as how they handle their IT recruitment. When the economic climate takes a turn for the worse, businesses may hit the break on hiring, and candidates might become hesitant to switch jobs. On the other hand, during an economic boom, the competition for top talent heats up, and you’ll see salary and benefits expectations soar. In this way, the local economic fluctuations can seriously affect your recruitment processes.

So, how do you stay afloat during these economic ups and downs? One smart strategy is to broaden your recruitment efforts beyond just your local market, as we’ve discussed before. By expanding your search to areas with different economic conditions, you can tap into new talent pools that may be more stable or even more eager for new opportunities. For instance, if your local area is dealing with economic challenges, another region might have a surplus of qualified candidates who are ready to make their next career move.

In short, consider the economy when planning your hiring strategy. Different areas have different living costs, which affects salary expectations. Stay updated on economic policies that might impact talent availability.

9. Limited Flexibility for Business Expansion

Recruiters, relying solely on local talent can significantly slow down your hiring process and hinder your ability to scale. A limited regional talent pool, especially with scarce specialized skills, restricts your expansion and prevents you from tapping into new markets and opportunities. To overcome these challenges, consider expanding your search beyond local boundaries and accessing a broader, more diverse pool of candidates. For example, contract-to-hire arrangements allow you to bring in skilled professionals on a temporary basis, giving you the ability to scale your team according to your needs without committing to long-term, full-time positions.

Another effective strategy is to tap into the freelance talent pool. Freelancers can be a tremendous asset for tackling specific projects or filling in gaps in your team’s expertise. Their flexibility allows you to adapt more quickly to changing business demands, something that traditional hiring methods often can’t match.By incorporating these flexible hiring models, you can align your workforce more closely with your business objectives, ensuring that you have the right talent to support your expansion without the constraints of conventional hiring practices.


While recruiting top IT talent can be (and is) challenging, understanding the core obstacles and addressing them strategically can make all the difference. Whether it’s the limited talent pool, high recruitment costs, geographic constraints, or fierce competition, each challenge requires a thoughtful and targeted approach. Implementing strategies like global hiring, flexible recruitment models, and enhancing your employer value proposition is worth it, as it can significantly improve your ability to attract and retain the best talent in the industry. We’re sure of that.

Aligning your recruitment strategies with your business goals is essential, especially as the tech industry continues to evolve. Staying adaptable and proactive in your hiring practices will help you build a strong, dynamic IT team that takes your company to the next level—whatever you want it to be.

Now that you’re equipped with strategies to tackle these challenges, it’s time to take action. And if you feel like expert assistance is what you need, DistantJob is here to support you. We are committed to helping you overcome recruitment obstacles with a focus on global hiring, flexible recruitment models, and strengthening your employer value proposition. Our expertise in sourcing top IT talent ensures that each hire aligns seamlessly with your company’s unique needs and culture. Partner with us to build a powerful and dynamic IT team that will take your business to new heights. Get in touch today, and let’s make these strategies the cornerstone of your success.


Sharon Koifman

Sharon Koifman is the Founder and President of DistantJob, a leading remote recruitment agency specializing in sourcing top remote developers for US businesses. With over a decade of experience, Sharon is a recognized authority in remote workforce management, and his innovative strategies have made DistantJob a trusted partner for companies worldwide. Sharon's commitment to excellence in remote work extends beyond recruitment; he is a prolific author and speaker, sharing his insights on building and managing effective distributed teams. His thought leadership helps organizations navigate the evolving landscape of remote work.

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