The Top 5 Tips For You to Consider When Hiring a Developer | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency
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The Top 5 Tips For You to Consider When Hiring a Developer

Casey Shull
Author - - - 3 min. to read

For the longest time, people have been saying not to judge a book by its cover. So what if we told you not to judge a candidate by their resume? Still true? You bet it is. While resumes might help take a look at the candidate’s work history, it does little to display their talent level. Especially when it comes to hiring IT talent, companies tend to focus only on hard skills and the candidate’s academic background. In this article, we will share with you the best tips to consider when hiring a software developer. call resumes “half-baked” and “partial” to the real story. They explain that nowadays, companies are beginning to adopt the practice of “blind hiring.” A method where candidates are selected by criteria set by hiring managers and are given a skill test, and whoever performs the best is selected for interviews.

The same method can be used when hiring your remote developer! Rather than focusing on resumes (CVs), managers should consider these five aspects: Talent, self-motivation, trustworthiness, communication skills, and comfort in a lack-of-work (social) environment.

A survey completed by the Association of American Colleges concluded after surveying 318 presidents, CEOs, and other C-level executives that “a candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major.” 

More and more companies realize that the work should speak for your employee rather than the resume.

5 Tips to Consider When Hiring a Developer

5 tips to consider when hiring a developer

1. Hire For The Talent!

The first tip for hiring a remote developer is selecting the right talent. One way to weed out possible candidates, especially remotely is by conducting a skill-level test online. Not only does it give you an idea of how someone will perform. But it also offers people who may not have an impressive resume but excellent skills a chance for recruitment.

By hiring remotely, you have access to talented software developers, all over the world, something that isn’t easy for companies only hiring locally. In a survey conducted by the Talent Shortage Survey, out of 38,000 employers, 35% admitted they struggle to fill jobs due to a lack of nearby talent.

Resumes may sound impressive, but it fails to demonstrate the real talent available. 

2. Scoring A Developer With Self-Motivation

How do you determine if your candidate is a good fit with the right motivation? There are two ways to go about it. First, you can ask the interviewee what they do to stay motivated while working distantly.

Forbes has put together a more subtle list of how to look for self-motivation.

  1. Work History– Forbes refers to work history as the “number one place to find motivation.”
  2. Outside Interests– the desired lifestyle can fuel motivation.
  3. Previous Failures-Fuels the desire to succeed.

Along with your developer having proper motivation, you want to make sure you do things to help keep up the team’s morale

3. Trustworthiness In Your Software Developer

The third tip is to trust your developer. Something that might be difficult for some managers to do.

PsychologyToday says “You don’t need to bump into someone in the hallway to develop a strong and trusting working relationship with them.” It continues by recommending tips for cementing a trusting relationship. 

  1. Check your assumptions.
  2. Elevate your communication.
  3. Demonstrate behavioral integrity.
  4. Show up authentically.
  5. Build genuine relationships.

To build a healthy and trusting relationship with your remote developer you want to have peace of mind.

4. Securing Great Communication Skills In Your Developer

Similarly to maintaining your developer’s motivation by being honest about what’s expected, it’s crucial that you and your remote worker are on the same page with just about everything. From which apps and platforms to use, to how often you need to directly communicate with them and make sure they know that voicing questions and concerns is encouraged. concurs, saying “the more time you spend getting to know each other’s habits and speech patterns and the more effective you are at keeping your standards consistent, the better you’re going to be able to communicate.”

Knowing how to communicate with your distant developer(s) is so crucial that we created an entire article centered around the different tools you can use to communicate with remote workers.

Remember you need to encourage communication with your remote employees just as much as your regular in-office employees. Not only does it build trust and healthy communication but it also helps your remote developer feel a part of the team and not left out. 

Final Tip to Hire a Remote Developer Efficiently

Our final tip on what to look for when hiring a developer remotely is making sure they’re comfortable not having the interactions that come with your typical office setting. While remote workers might not miss the Bill Lumbergh type managers, it’s no lie that there’s something lonely about working remotely.

To check for such readiness, you should ask the following questions during your interview process: 

  1. Have you worked remotely before? If they have, then it’s safe to assume that they know what to expect regarding no coworkers or bosses around to help them.
  2. How do you plan on being social? Frequently remote workers will work in social environments such as a coffee shop or a library, and while they may not be able to ask the nearest barista how to merge formulas on a spreadsheet, they will get some social interaction.
  3. Ask them why they want to work remotely. The motivation behind working as a developer will out way the need for social interactions.

One significant way you can ensure that your remote worker doesn’t feel so distant from the team is to include them as much as possible. It’s crucial that you know how to integrate remote workers when the rest of your team is local. From small actions such as sending an office signed birthday card or making sure your developer is included in meetings make a big difference.

Hiring a remote developer can be easy. In fact, it isn’t when you use DistantJob and let us do the work for you. When you work with us, we take the guesswork out of finding the developer of your dreams while you sit back and come along for the ride. If you’re ready to begin your remote working journey, contact us and get started today!

Casey Shull

Casey Shull is a freelance writer who works with DistantJob to research and synthesise the best remote work related content into practical, accurate and actionable guides and articles on how to improve remote leadership and better manage your teams.

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