How to Hire a Great Developer in Two Weeks | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency
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How to Hire a Great Developer in Two Weeks

Sarah Dixon
Fractional Business Development Manager - - - 3 min. to read

So, your very best developer has just handed in her notice. You’ve begged, you’ve pleaded, you’ve promised pay-rises and perks, you’ve even said you’ll get her coffee on your way to work every morning. But no, she wants to move on to new pastures and there’s nothing you can do to stop her.

No worries! She has to give you a whole month notice, so you’ve got plenty of time to hire a replacement. You can have someone in by the end of the week, and they can work alongside your departing genius and learn the ropes. That will minimize disruption. It’ll be fine. Breathe.

Except, didn’t you read something about time to hire increasing? What’s that? It now takes around 26 days to hire someone new? Even if you start right now they’ll only get a day or two of overlap. That isn’t going to work!

It’s OK. Breathe. We’ve got this. If you come to DistantJob, we’ll find you a rock star who will not only meet your expectations but exceed them and we’ll do it in around two weeks. How does that work, I hear you ask. Well, it goes something like this:

You Tell Us What Developer You Need

Get in touch with us, and one of our rock stars will talk through your requirements. We’ll ask you what skills you need, what skills you’d like, and what your company culture is like. We’ll talk until we have a good feel of not just the technical requirements of the job, but what sort of personality is going to fit right into your existing team.

We also need to know about your remote working requirements. Do you expect your workers to put in core hours? If you workers are in a different country, will they get your public holidays off, or theirs?

By the end of the conversation, we’ll have a great idea of what your ideal developer looks like so we can move on to the next stage which is…

As you might imagine, with upwards of 80% of workers surveyed saying they want to work from home, we have plenty of people asking us to find them jobs. Our starting point would be our database of candidates, but we don’t stop there.

We’ll also get a little Azilian on you, and go headhunting. We won’t decapitate candidates and send you their shrunken heads, though. What we will do is find people who have the right skill set for the role you’re asking us to fill.

And then we verify them. All our tech candidates are pre-vetted, not just for their technical experience, but also for their remote working chops. We’ll talk to them, and check that their expectations are a match for yours. If they do, they’ll go on the shortlist.

You Make the Choice

Now you’re faced with a handful of resumes that have you drooling. Your anxiety about losing your best dev is receding, and you’re actually feeling excited to meet these new people. The next step is the interviews.

We’ll help you to set up some video calls to talk to your hires, but because they’ve already jumped through our hoops you can concentrate on the important questions. Take some time to get to know them as people, and to think about how they are going to fit into your team.

Most of our clients talk to 3 or 4 people before they make a decision. If you need help with what to ask, we even have advice on that. At that point, you can hand all the hard work over to us, again.

We Handle the Boring Stuff

You want to get on with managing your team and getting the project over the inevitable blip that a change in personnel brings along. We get it. That’s why we do all the other stuff.

We’ll sort out contracts, and make sure they get signed by everyone who needs to. We’ll help your remote developer to integrate into your team. We’ll even handle payments, no matter what currency conversions are needed. We’re good at this stuff because we do it all the time. You can concentrate on what you need to get done.

And That’s It

In around two weeks, you’ll have a shiny new remote developer working alongside your departing former favorite. That’s time for a decent handover and less disruption to your precious project plan. In another three weeks, you’ll hardly even remember who whatshername was. You know her, thingy—the one that was almost as good as the new guy.

Sound good? Get in touch today and start the countdown to a new hire in fourteen days!

Sarah Dixon

Sarah Dixon, Senior Bid Manager and Writer, stands out as a remote work advocate, and thought leader. Her expertise extends to persuasive writing, where she combines strategic business development with effective communication skills. Sarah's role involves driving business growth through innovative strategies, with a special emphasis on leveraging the benefits of remote work.

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