DistantJob vs Outsourcing Firms | DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency

What Makes DistantJob Dramatically Different From Software Outsourcing Firms

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“DistantJob took the time to talk about the job description and explore what was important to us. They came back with a great candidate on the first try!”

Todd Tolly
TeamLogic IT Santa Rosa

“Working with DistantJob made everything about recruiting a highly technical employee easier and cost-effective.”

Stuart Dow
Managing Director, Upaknee

“We have 3 employees from DistantJob right now. Phenomenal. For the dollar value that we are spending, we are far ahead of what we would find locally or offshore.”

Matt Bricker
CTO at Surgent Professional Education

“DistantJob is great for helping you find technical folks especially when your local area doesn’t have the right pool of talent for the job.”

Joel Brown
President and co-owner, site 5

“The remote developers presented by DistantJob] delivered a caliber of quality, skill and technical expertise, beyond my best expectations, far exceeding our local team members.”

Gili Tzabari
Director of R&D Amaya

“I can easily say that I’ve never worked with a more dedicated, patient, and productive developer. DistantJob made the remote engagement painless. Win-win!”

Erich Greenebaum
Principal at WernerCO

“DJ is phenomenal. They find amazing candidates, make hiring extraordinary devs easy. Think of it as having a top recruiter, HR, and payroll departments in dozens of countries.”

Éric St-Jean
VP Engineering, Monetate

“Hiring through DistantJob (…) surpassed my expectations. I had no opinion before, neither for [remote work] or against, but this experience definitely put it on the radar for me.”

David Vines
Operations Manager at CEATI International.

Comparing Distant Job to Outsourcing Firms

Distant Job Software Outsourcing Firms
Takes a deep dive to understand your company culture and DNA Yes No
Delivers talent that is under your direct management Yes No
Dedicated account manager Yes No
The talent is focused and motivated Yes No
Direct integration into your team Yes No
Your employees are decentralized; wars & natural disasters won’t shut down your projects Yes No
Zero extra fees and intellectual property concerns Yes No
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If you go with an outsourcing / project-based agency, you deal with unfocused managers who always think about their next project or more than one project at the same time.

You don’t have control over the people working on your project; they are non-committal, not emotionally and mentally invested in your processes or culture, and driven only by their paycheck. Most talent gets burned out in these agencies, and the best talent tries to avoid them.

DistantJob searches the entire world for candidates who want to be an integral part of your team and do things your way.

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